View file File name : NavFooter.php Content :<?php /** * Custom Component class for Header Footer Grid. * * Name: Header Footer Grid * Author: Bogdan Preda <> * * @version 1.0.0 * @package HFG */ namespace HFG\Core\Components; use HFG\Core\Settings; use HFG\Core\Settings\Manager as SettingsManager; use HFG\Main; use Neve\Core\Settings\Config; use Neve\Core\Styles\Dynamic_Selector; use WP_Customize_Manager; /** * Class NavFooter * * @package HFG\Core\Components */ class NavFooter extends Abstract_Component { const COMPONENT_ID = 'footer-menu'; const STYLE_ID = 'style'; const COLOR_ID = 'color'; const HOVER_COLOR_ID = 'hover_color'; const ITEM_HEIGHT = 'item_height'; const SPACING = 'spacing'; /** * Nav constructor. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function init() { $this->set_property( 'label', __( 'Footer Menu', 'neve' ) ); $this->set_property( 'id', self::COMPONENT_ID ); $this->set_property( 'width', 6 ); $this->set_property( 'icon', 'tagcloud' ); $this->set_property( 'section', 'footer_menu_primary' ); $this->set_property( 'has_font_family_control', true ); $this->set_property( 'has_typeface_control', true ); $this->set_property( 'default_typography_selector', $this->default_typography_selector . '.builder-item--' . $this->get_id() . ' li > a' ); } /** * Called to register component controls. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function add_settings() { SettingsManager::get_instance()->add( [ 'id' => self::STYLE_ID, 'group' => self::COMPONENT_ID, 'tab' => SettingsManager::TAB_STYLE, 'transport' => 'post' . self::COMPONENT_ID, 'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_filter_nohtml_kses', 'default' => 'style-plain', 'label' => __( 'Hover Skin Mode', 'neve' ), 'type' => '\Neve\Customizer\Controls\React\Radio_Buttons', 'section' => $this->section, 'options' => [ 'large_buttons' => true, 'is_for' => 'menu', ], ] ); SettingsManager::get_instance()->add( [ 'id' => self::COLOR_ID, 'group' => self::COMPONENT_ID, 'tab' => SettingsManager::TAB_STYLE, 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'sanitize_callback' => 'neve_sanitize_colors', 'default' => '', 'label' => __( 'Items Color', 'neve' ), 'type' => 'neve_color_control', 'section' => $this->section, 'live_refresh_selector' => true, 'live_refresh_css_prop' => [ 'cssVar' => [ 'vars' => '--color', 'selector' => '.builder-item--' . $this->get_id(), ], [ 'selector' => $this->default_typography_selector, 'prop' => 'color', 'fallback' => 'inherit', ], ], ] ); SettingsManager::get_instance()->add( [ 'id' => self::HOVER_COLOR_ID, 'group' => self::COMPONENT_ID, 'tab' => SettingsManager::TAB_STYLE, 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'sanitize_callback' => 'neve_sanitize_colors', 'default' => 'var(--nv-primary-accent)', 'label' => __( 'Items Hover Color', 'neve' ), 'type' => 'neve_color_control', 'section' => $this->section, 'live_refresh_selector' => true, 'live_refresh_css_prop' => [ 'cssVar' => [ 'vars' => '--hovercolor', 'selector' => '.builder-item--' . $this->get_id(), ], [ 'selector' => $this->default_typography_selector . ':after', 'prop' => 'background-color', 'fallback' => 'inherit', ], [ 'selector' => '.builder-item--' . $this->get_id() . ' .nav-menu-footer:not(.style-full-height) #footer-menu li:hover > a', 'prop' => 'color', 'fallback' => 'inherit', ], ], ] ); SettingsManager::get_instance()->add( [ 'id' => 'shortcut', 'group' => self::COMPONENT_ID, 'tab' => SettingsManager::TAB_GENERAL, 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_attr', 'type' => '\Neve\Customizer\Controls\Button', 'options' => [ 'button_class' => 'nv-top-bar-menu-shortcut', 'icon_class' => 'menu', 'button_text' => __( 'Footer Menu', 'neve' ), 'shortcut' => true, ], 'section' => $this->section, ] ); SettingsManager::get_instance()->add( [ 'id' => self::SPACING, 'group' => $this->get_class_const( 'COMPONENT_ID' ), 'tab' => SettingsManager::TAB_LAYOUT, 'section' => $this->section, 'label' => __( 'Items Spacing (px)', 'neve' ), 'type' => 'Neve\Customizer\Controls\React\Responsive_Range', 'transport' => 'post' . $this->get_class_const( 'COMPONENT_ID' ), 'sanitize_callback' => [ $this, 'sanitize_responsive_int_json' ], 'default' => $this->get_default_for_responsive_from_intval( self::SPACING, 20 ), 'options' => [ 'input_attrs' => [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'units' => [ 'px' ], 'defaultVal' => [ 'mobile' => 20, 'tablet' => 20, 'desktop' => 20, 'suffix' => [ 'mobile' => 'px', 'tablet' => 'px', 'desktop' => 'px', ], ], ], ], 'conditional_header' => true, ] ); SettingsManager::get_instance()->add( [ 'id' => self::ITEM_HEIGHT, 'group' => $this->get_class_const( 'COMPONENT_ID' ), 'tab' => SettingsManager::TAB_LAYOUT, 'label' => __( 'Items Min Height (px)', 'neve' ), 'sanitize_callback' => [ $this, 'sanitize_responsive_int_json' ], 'transport' => 'post' . $this->get_class_const( 'COMPONENT_ID' ), 'default' => $this->get_default_for_responsive_from_intval( self::ITEM_HEIGHT, 25 ), 'type' => 'Neve\Customizer\Controls\React\Responsive_Range', 'options' => [ 'input_attrs' => [ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'units' => [ 'px' ], 'defaultVal' => [ 'mobile' => 25, 'tablet' => 25, 'desktop' => 25, 'suffix' => [ 'mobile' => 'px', 'tablet' => 'px', 'desktop' => 'px', ], ], ], ], 'section' => $this->section, 'conditional_header' => true, ] ); } /** * The render method for the component. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public */ public function render_component() { Main::get_instance()->load( 'components/component-nav-footer' ); } /** * Add styles to the component. * * @param array $css_array rules array. * * @return array */ public function add_style( array $css_array = array() ) { $rules = [ '--color' => [ Dynamic_Selector::META_KEY => $this->get_id() . '_' . self::COLOR_ID, ], '--hovercolor' => [ Dynamic_Selector::META_KEY => $this->get_id() . '_' . self::HOVER_COLOR_ID, Dynamic_Selector::META_DEFAULT => SettingsManager::get_instance()->get_default( $this->get_id() . '_' . self::HOVER_COLOR_ID ), ], '--spacing' => [ Dynamic_Selector::META_KEY => $this->get_id() . '_' . self::SPACING, Dynamic_Selector::META_IS_RESPONSIVE => true, Dynamic_Selector::META_SUFFIX => 'px', Dynamic_Selector::META_DEFAULT => SettingsManager::get_instance()->get_default( $this->get_id() . '_' . self::SPACING ), ], '--height' => [ Dynamic_Selector::META_KEY => $this->get_id() . '_' . self::ITEM_HEIGHT, Dynamic_Selector::META_IS_RESPONSIVE => true, Dynamic_Selector::META_SUFFIX => 'px', Dynamic_Selector::META_DEFAULT => SettingsManager::get_instance()->get_default( $this->get_id() . '_' . self::ITEM_HEIGHT ), ], ]; $css_array[] = [ Dynamic_Selector::KEY_SELECTOR => '.builder-item--' . $this->get_id(), Dynamic_Selector::KEY_RULES => $rules, ]; return parent::add_style( $css_array ); } }