View file File name : single-dynamic.css.php Content :<?php /** * Post Structures - Dynamic CSS * * @package Astra * @since 4.0.0 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** * Post Structures */ add_filter( 'astra_dynamic_theme_css', 'astra_post_single_structure_dynamic_css' ); /** * Dynamic CSS * * @param string $dynamic_css Astra Dynamic CSS. * @param string $dynamic_css_filtered Astra Dynamic CSS Filters. * @return String Generated dynamic CSS for Post Structures. * * @since 4.0.0 */ function astra_post_single_structure_dynamic_css( $dynamic_css, $dynamic_css_filtered = '' ) { $current_post_type = strval( get_post_type() ); $supported_post_types = Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader::get_supported_post_types(); if ( ! is_singular( $current_post_type ) ) { return $dynamic_css; } if ( ! in_array( $current_post_type, $supported_post_types ) ) { return $dynamic_css; } if ( 'product' === $current_post_type ) { $single_section_id = 'section-woo-shop-single'; } elseif ( 'page' === $current_post_type ) { $single_section_id = 'section-single-page'; } elseif ( 'download' === $current_post_type ) { $single_section_id = 'section-edd-single'; } else { $single_section_id = 'single-posttype-' . $current_post_type; } $margin_option = 'post' === $current_post_type ? 'single-post-outside-spacing' : $single_section_id . '-margin'; $padding_option = 'post' === $current_post_type ? 'single-post-inside-spacing' : $single_section_id . '-padding'; $padding = astra_get_option( $padding_option ); $margin = astra_get_option( $margin_option ); $margin_selector = '.site .site-content #primary'; $padding_selector = '.site .site-content #primary .ast-article-single, .ast-separate-container .site-content #secondary .widget'; if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && 'product' === $current_post_type ) { $padding_selector = '.site .site-content #primary .ast-woocommerce-container'; } // Desktop CSS. $css_output_desktop = array( $margin_selector => array( // Margin CSS. 'margin-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'top', 'desktop' ), 'margin-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'bottom', 'desktop' ), 'margin-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'left', 'desktop' ), 'margin-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'right', 'desktop' ), ), $padding_selector => array( // Padding CSS. 'padding-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'top', 'desktop' ), 'padding-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'bottom', 'desktop' ), 'padding-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'left', 'desktop' ), 'padding-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'right', 'desktop' ), ), ); // Tablet CSS. $css_output_tablet = array( $margin_selector => array( // Margin CSS. 'margin-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'top', 'tablet' ), 'margin-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'bottom', 'tablet' ), 'margin-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'left', 'tablet' ), 'margin-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'right', 'tablet' ), ), $padding_selector => array( // Padding CSS. 'padding-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'top', 'tablet' ), 'padding-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'bottom', 'tablet' ), 'padding-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'left', 'tablet' ), 'padding-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'right', 'tablet' ), ), ); // Mobile CSS. $css_output_mobile = array( $margin_selector => array( // Margin CSS. 'margin-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'top', 'mobile' ), 'margin-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'bottom', 'mobile' ), 'margin-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'left', 'mobile' ), 'margin-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'right', 'mobile' ), ), $padding_selector => array( // Padding CSS. 'padding-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'top', 'mobile' ), 'padding-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'bottom', 'mobile' ), 'padding-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'left', 'mobile' ), 'padding-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $padding, 'right', 'mobile' ), ), ); $css_output = astra_parse_css( $css_output_desktop ); $css_output .= astra_parse_css( $css_output_tablet, '', astra_get_tablet_breakpoint() ); $css_output .= astra_parse_css( $css_output_mobile, '', astra_get_mobile_breakpoint() ); $dynamic_css .= $css_output; if ( false === astra_get_option( 'ast-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title', ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && 'product' === $current_post_type ) ? false : true ) ) { return $dynamic_css; } $layout_type = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-layout', 'layout-1' ); $layout_2_active = ( 'layout-2' === $layout_type ) ? true : false; $exclude_attr = astra_get_option( 'enable-related-posts', false ) ? ':not(.related-entry-header)' : ''; if ( $layout_2_active ) { $selector = '.ast-single-entry-banner[data-post-type="' . $current_post_type . '"]'; } else { $selector = 'header.entry-header' . $exclude_attr; } $site_content_width = astra_get_option( 'site-content-width', 1200 ); $horz_alignment = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-horizontal-alignment' ); $desk_h_alignment = ( isset( $horz_alignment['desktop'] ) ) ? $horz_alignment['desktop'] : ''; $tab_h_alignment = ( isset( $horz_alignment['tablet'] ) ) ? $horz_alignment['tablet'] : ''; $mob_h_alignment = ( isset( $horz_alignment['mobile'] ) ) ? $horz_alignment['mobile'] : ''; $banner_padding = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-padding', Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader::get_customizer_default( 'responsive-padding' ) ); $banner_margin = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-margin' ); $text_color = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-text-color' ); $title_color = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-title-color' ); $link_color = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-link-color' ); $link_hover_color = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-link-hover-color' ); $elements_gap = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-elements-gap', 10 ); $banner_height = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-height' ); $desk_banner_height = ( $layout_2_active && isset( $banner_height['desktop'] ) ) ? astra_get_css_value( $banner_height['desktop'], 'px' ) : ''; $tab_banner_height = ( $layout_2_active && isset( $banner_height['tablet'] ) ) ? astra_get_css_value( $banner_height['tablet'], 'px' ) : ''; $mob_banner_height = ( $layout_2_active && isset( $banner_height['mobile'] ) ) ? astra_get_css_value( $banner_height['mobile'], 'px' ) : ''; $vert_alignment = ( $layout_2_active ) ? astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-vertical-alignment', 'center' ) : 'center'; $width_type = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-width-type', 'fullwidth' ); $custom_width = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-custom-width', 1200 ); $single_structure = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-structure', 'page' === $current_post_type ? array( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-image', 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title' ) : array( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title', 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta' ) ); // Banner Text typography dynamic stylings. $banner_text_font_size = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-size' ); // Banner Title typography dynamic stylings. $banner_title_font_size = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-size', Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader::get_customizer_default( 'title-font-size' ) ); // Banner Meta typography dynamic stylings. $banner_meta_font_size = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-size' ); $css_output_min_tablet = array(); $narrow_container_width = astra_get_option( 'narrow-container-max-width', apply_filters( 'astra_narrow_container_width', 750 ) ); $author_avatar_size = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-author-avatar-size' ); // Aspect ratio. $aspect_ratio_type = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-article-featured-image-ratio-type', 'predefined' ); $predefined_scale = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-article-featured-image-ratio-pre-scale', '16/9' ); $custom_scale_width = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-article-featured-image-custom-scale-width', 16 ); $custom_scale_height = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-article-featured-image-custom-scale-height', 9 ); $aspect_ratio = astra_get_dynamic_image_aspect_ratio( $aspect_ratio_type, $predefined_scale, $custom_scale_width, $custom_scale_height ); $object_fit_style = 'custom' === $aspect_ratio_type ? 'cover' : ''; // Remove featured image padding. $remove_featured_image_padding = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-remove-featured-padding', false ) && 'layout-1' === $layout_type && 'none' === astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-article-featured-image-position-layout-1' ) ? true : false; // Few settings from banner section are also applicable to 'layout-1' so adding this condition & compatibility. if ( 'layout-1' === $layout_type ) { $image_wrap_alignment = Astra_Dynamic_CSS::astra_4_4_0_compatibility() ? 'center' : ''; /** * Desktop CSS. */ $css_output_desktop = array( $selector => array( 'text-align' => $desk_h_alignment, ), $selector . ' *' => astra_get_font_array_css( astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-family' ), astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-weight' ), $banner_text_font_size, 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-extras', $text_color ), $selector . ' .entry-title' => astra_get_font_array_css( astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-family' ), astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-weight', Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader::get_customizer_default( 'title-font-weight' ) ), $banner_title_font_size, 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-extras', $title_color ), $selector . ' .entry-meta, ' . $selector . ' .entry-meta *' => astra_get_font_array_css( astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-family' ), astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-weight' ), $banner_meta_font_size, 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-extras' ), $selector . ' a, ' . $selector . ' a *' => array( 'color' => esc_attr( $link_color ), ), $selector . ' a:hover, ' . $selector . ' a:hover *' => array( 'color' => esc_attr( $link_hover_color ), ), $selector . ' > *:not(:last-child)' => array( 'margin-bottom' => $elements_gap . 'px', ), $selector . ' .post-thumb-img-content' => array( 'text-align' => $image_wrap_alignment, ), $selector . ' .post-thumb img, img' => array( 'aspect-ratio' => $aspect_ratio, 'width' => Astra_Dynamic_CSS::astra_4_6_0_compatibility() && 'default' !== $aspect_ratio_type ? '100%' : '', 'height' => Astra_Dynamic_CSS::astra_4_6_0_compatibility() && 'default' !== $aspect_ratio_type ? '100%' : '', 'object-fit' => $object_fit_style, ), ); /** * Tablet CSS. */ $css_output_tablet = array( $selector => array( 'text-align' => $tab_h_alignment, ), $selector . ' .entry-title' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_title_font_size, 'tablet' ), ), $selector . ' *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_text_font_size, 'tablet' ), ), $selector . ' .entry-meta, ' . $selector . ' .entry-meta *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_meta_font_size, 'tablet' ), ), ); /** * Mobile CSS. */ $css_output_mobile = array( $selector => array( 'text-align' => $mob_h_alignment, ), $selector . ' .entry-title' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_title_font_size, 'mobile' ), ), $selector . ' *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_text_font_size, 'mobile' ), ), $selector . ' .entry-meta, ' . $selector . ' .entry-meta *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_meta_font_size, 'mobile' ), ), ); if ( $remove_featured_image_padding ) { $single_post_container_spacing = astra_get_option( 'single-post-inside-spacing' ); $container_padding_defaults = Astra_Dynamic_CSS::astra_4_6_0_compatibility() && is_single() ? '2.5em' : '3em'; $container_lg_horz_spacing = ( true === astra_check_is_structural_setup() ) ? $container_padding_defaults : '6.67'; $container_lg_vert_spacing = ( true === astra_check_is_structural_setup() ) ? $container_padding_defaults : '5.34'; $astra_desktop_container_left_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'left', 'desktop' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'left', 'desktop', $container_lg_horz_spacing ) : 'var(--ast-container-default-xlg-padding)'; $astra_desktop_container_right_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'desktop' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'desktop', $container_lg_horz_spacing ) : 'var(--ast-container-default-xlg-padding)'; $astra_desktop_container_top_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'desktop' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'desktop', $container_lg_vert_spacing ) : 'var(--ast-container-default-xlg-padding)'; $astra_tablet_container_left_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'left', 'tablet' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'left', 'tablet', $container_lg_horz_spacing ) : 'var(--ast-container-default-xlg-padding)'; $astra_tablet_container_right_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'tablet' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'tablet', $container_lg_horz_spacing ) : 'var(--ast-container-default-xlg-padding)'; $astra_tablet_container_top_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'tablet' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'tablet', $container_lg_vert_spacing ) : 'var(--ast-container-default-xlg-padding)'; $astra_mobile_container_left_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'left', 'mobile' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'left', 'mobile', $container_lg_horz_spacing ) : '1em'; $astra_mobile_container_right_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'mobile' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'mobile', $container_lg_horz_spacing ) : '1em'; $astra_mobile_container_top_spacing = defined( 'ASTRA_EXT_VER' ) && astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'mobile' ) ? astra_responsive_spacing( $single_post_container_spacing, 'right', 'mobile', $container_lg_vert_spacing ) : '1.5em'; $css_output_desktop[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' .post-thumb' ]['margin-left'] = $astra_desktop_container_left_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_desktop_container_left_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_desktop[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' > *' ]['margin-top'] = $astra_desktop_container_top_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_desktop_container_top_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_desktop[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' .post-thumb' ]['margin-right'] = $astra_desktop_container_right_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_desktop_container_right_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_tablet[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' .post-thumb' ]['margin-left'] = $astra_tablet_container_left_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_tablet_container_left_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_tablet[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' > *' ]['margin-top'] = $astra_tablet_container_top_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_tablet_container_top_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_tablet[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' .post-thumb' ]['margin-right'] = $astra_tablet_container_right_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_tablet_container_right_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_mobile[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' .post-thumb' ]['margin-left'] = $astra_mobile_container_left_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_mobile_container_left_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_mobile[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' > *' ]['margin-top'] = $astra_mobile_container_top_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_mobile_container_top_spacing . ' )' : ''; $css_output_mobile[ '.ast-separate-container ' . $selector . ' .post-thumb' ]['margin-right'] = $astra_mobile_container_right_spacing ? 'calc( -1 * ' . $astra_mobile_container_right_spacing . ' )' : ''; } } else { $entry_title_selector = is_customize_preview() ? $selector . ' .ast-container .entry-title' : $selector . ' .entry-title'; $image_position = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-image-position', 'inside' ); $use_featured_background = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-featured-as-background', false ); $custom_background = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-background', Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader::get_customizer_default( 'responsive-background' ) ); /** * Desktop CSS. */ $css_output_desktop = array( $selector => array( 'text-align' => $desk_h_alignment, 'justify-content' => $vert_alignment, 'min-height' => $desk_banner_height, 'margin-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'top', 'desktop' ), 'margin-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'right', 'desktop' ), 'margin-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'bottom', 'desktop' ), 'margin-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'left', 'desktop' ), 'width' => '100%', 'padding-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'top', 'desktop' ), 'padding-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'right', 'desktop' ), 'padding-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'bottom', 'desktop' ), 'padding-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'left', 'desktop' ), ), $selector . '[data-banner-layout="layout-2"]' => astra_get_responsive_background_obj( $custom_background, 'desktop' ), $selector . ' .ast-container *' => astra_get_font_array_css( astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-family' ), astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-weight' ), $banner_text_font_size, 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-text-font-extras', $text_color ), $selector . ' .ast-container > *:not(:last-child), ' . $selector . ' .read-more' => array( 'margin-bottom' => $elements_gap . 'px', ), $selector . ' .ast-container' => array( 'width' => '100%', ), $entry_title_selector => astra_get_font_array_css( astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-family' ), astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-weight', Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader::get_customizer_default( 'title-font-weight' ) ), $banner_title_font_size, 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-title-font-extras', $title_color ), $selector . ' > .entry-title' => array( 'margin-bottom' => '0', ), $selector . ' .entry-meta, ' . $selector . ' .entry-meta *' => astra_get_font_array_css( astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-family' ), astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-weight' ), $banner_meta_font_size, 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-meta-font-extras' ), $selector . ' .ast-container a, ' . $selector . ' .ast-container a *' => array( 'color' => esc_attr( $link_color ), ), $selector . ' .ast-container a:hover, ' . $selector . ' .ast-container a:hover *' => array( 'color' => esc_attr( $link_hover_color ), ), '.ast-single-entry-banner .read-more .ast-button' => array( 'margin-top' => '0.5em', 'display' => 'inline-block', ), $selector . ' .post-thumb img, .ast-single-post-featured-section img' => array( 'aspect-ratio' => $aspect_ratio, 'width' => Astra_Dynamic_CSS::astra_4_6_0_compatibility() && 'default' !== $aspect_ratio_type ? '100%' : '', 'height' => Astra_Dynamic_CSS::astra_4_6_0_compatibility() && 'default' !== $aspect_ratio_type ? '100%' : '', 'object-fit' => $object_fit_style, ), $selector . ' .ast-container > *:last-child' => array( 'margin-bottom' => '0', ), ); /** * Min tablet width CSS. */ $css_output_min_tablet = array( '.ast-narrow-container ' . $selector . ' .ast-container' => array( 'max-width' => $narrow_container_width . 'px', 'padding-left' => '0', 'padding-right' => '0', ), ); /** * Tablet CSS. */ $css_output_tablet = array( $selector => array( 'text-align' => $tab_h_alignment, 'min-height' => $tab_banner_height, 'padding-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'top', 'tablet' ), 'padding-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'right', 'tablet' ), 'padding-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'bottom', 'tablet' ), 'padding-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'left', 'tablet' ), 'margin-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'top', 'tablet' ), 'margin-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'right', 'tablet' ), 'margin-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'bottom', 'tablet' ), 'margin-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'left', 'tablet' ), ), $selector . '[data-banner-layout="layout-2"]' => astra_get_responsive_background_obj( $custom_background, 'tablet' ), $selector . ' .entry-title' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_title_font_size, 'tablet' ), ), $selector . ' .ast-container' => array( 'padding-left' => '0', 'padding-right' => '0', ), $selector . ' *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_text_font_size, 'tablet' ), ), $selector . ' .entry-meta, ' . $selector . ' .entry-meta *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_meta_font_size, 'tablet' ), ), ); /** * Mobile CSS. */ $css_output_mobile = array( $selector => array( 'text-align' => $mob_h_alignment, 'min-height' => $mob_banner_height, 'padding-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'top', 'mobile' ), 'padding-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'right', 'mobile' ), 'padding-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'bottom', 'mobile' ), 'padding-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_padding, 'left', 'mobile' ), 'margin-top' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'top', 'mobile' ), 'margin-right' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'right', 'mobile' ), 'margin-bottom' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'bottom', 'mobile' ), 'margin-left' => astra_responsive_spacing( $banner_margin, 'left', 'mobile' ), ), $selector . '[data-banner-layout="layout-2"]' => astra_get_responsive_background_obj( $custom_background, 'mobile' ), $selector . ' .entry-title' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_title_font_size, 'mobile' ), ), $selector . ' *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_text_font_size, 'mobile' ), ), $selector . ' .entry-meta, ' . $selector . ' .entry-meta *' => array( 'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $banner_meta_font_size, 'mobile' ), ), ); if ( ( $layout_2_active && 'custom' === $width_type ) || is_customize_preview() ) { $css_output_desktop[ $selector . '[data-banner-width-type="custom"]' ]['max-width'] = $custom_width . 'px'; } if ( 'outside' !== $image_position && in_array( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-image', $single_structure ) && $use_featured_background ) { /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyFalseArgument */ // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort $feat_image_src = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID() ) ); /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyFalseArgument */ // phpcs:ignore Generic.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort if ( $feat_image_src ) { $css_output_desktop[ $selector . '[data-banner-background-type="featured"]' ] = array( 'background' => 'url( ' . esc_url( $feat_image_src ) . ' )', 'background-repeat' => 'no-repeat', 'background-attachment' => 'scroll', 'background-position' => 'center center', 'background-size' => 'cover', ); $overlay_color = astra_get_option( 'ast-dynamic-single-' . $current_post_type . '-banner-featured-overlay', '' ); if ( '' !== $overlay_color && 'unset' !== $overlay_color ) { $css_output_desktop[ $selector . '[data-banner-background-type="featured"]' ]['background'] = 'url( ' . esc_url( $feat_image_src ) . ' ) ' . $overlay_color; $css_output_desktop[ $selector . '[data-banner-background-type="featured"]' ]['background-blend-mode'] = 'multiply'; } } } if ( 'outside' === $image_position ) { $css_output_desktop['.single article .post-thumb'] = array( 'margin-bottom' => '2em', ); } } $dynamic_css .= ' .ast-single-entry-banner { -js-display: flex; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; text-align: center; position: relative; background: #eeeeee; } .ast-single-entry-banner[data-banner-layout="layout-1"] { max-width: ' . astra_get_css_value( $site_content_width, 'px' ) . '; background: inherit; padding: 20px 0; } .ast-single-entry-banner[data-banner-width-type="custom"] { margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; } .ast-single-entry-banner + .site-content .entry-header { margin-bottom: 0; } .site .ast-author-avatar { --ast-author-avatar-size: ' . astra_get_css_value( $author_avatar_size, 'px' ) . '; } a.ast-underline-text { text-decoration: underline; } .ast-container > .ast-terms-link { position: relative; display: block; } a.ast-button.ast-badge-tax { padding: 4px 8px; border-radius: 3px; font-size: inherit; } '; if ( is_customize_preview() ) { $dynamic_css .= ' .site-header-focus-item .ast-container div.customize-partial-edit-shortcut, .site-header-focus-item .ast-container button.item-customizer-focus { font-size: inherit; } '; } $margin_top = astra_responsive_spacing( $margin, 'top', 'desktop' ); // To add top spacing for SureCart shop page default title. if ( class_exists( 'SureCart' ) && $margin_top && 0 === intval( $margin_top ) && get_the_ID() === intval( get_option( 'surecart_shop_page_id' ) ) ) { $dynamic_css .= ' .page .entry-header { margin-top: 3em; } '; } /* Parse CSS from array() */ $dynamic_css .= astra_parse_css( $css_output_desktop ); $dynamic_css .= astra_parse_css( $css_output_min_tablet, astra_get_tablet_breakpoint( '', 1 ) ); $dynamic_css .= astra_parse_css( $css_output_tablet, '', astra_get_tablet_breakpoint() ); $dynamic_css .= astra_parse_css( $css_output_mobile, '', astra_get_mobile_breakpoint() ); return $dynamic_css; }