View file File name : ga.php Content :<?php namespace PixelYourSite; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once PYS_FREE_PATH . '/modules/google_analytics/function-helpers.php'; require_once PYS_FREE_PATH . '/modules/google_analytics/function-collect-data-4v.php'; class GA extends Settings implements Pixel { private static $_instance; private $configured; public static function instance() { if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } public function __construct() { parent::__construct( 'ga' ); $this->locateOptions( PYS_FREE_PATH . '/modules/google_analytics/options_fields.json', PYS_FREE_PATH . '/modules/google_analytics/options_defaults.json' ); add_action( 'pys_register_pixels', function( $core ) { /** @var PYS $core */ $core->registerPixel( $this ); } ); } public function enabled() { return $this->getOption( 'enabled' ); } public function configured() { if ( $this->configured === null ) { $tracking_id = $this->getPixelIDs() ; $this->configured = $this->enabled() && count( $tracking_id ) > 0 && !empty($tracking_id[0]) && ! apply_filters( 'pys_pixel_disabled', array(), $this->getSlug() ); } return $this->configured; } public function getPixelDebugMode() { $flags = array(); if($this->getOption( 'is_enable_debug_mode')){ $flags = (array) $this->getOption( 'is_enable_debug_mode' ); } return $flags; // return first id only } public function getPixelAdditionalConfig() { $flags = array(); $mainTag = (string) $this->getPixelIDs()[0]; $flags[$mainTag]['first_party_collection'] = $this->getOption('first_party_collection'); return $flags; } public function getPixelServerContainerUrls() { $flags = array(); $mainTag = (string) $this->getPixelIDs()[0]; $flags[$mainTag]['enable_server_container'] = (string) $this->getOption('enable_server_container'); $flags[$mainTag]['server_container_url'] = $this->getOption('server_container_url') ? (string) $this->getOption('server_container_url')[0] : ''; $flags[$mainTag]['transport_url'] = $this->getOption('transport_url') ? (string) $this->getOption('transport_url')[0] : ''; return $flags;// return first id only } public function getPixelIDs() { $ids = (array) $this->getOption( 'tracking_id' ); if(count($ids) == 0) { return apply_filters("pys_ga_ids",[]); } else { $id = array_shift($ids); return apply_filters("pys_ga_ids", array($id)); // return first id only } } public function getPixelOptions() { return array( 'trackingIds' => $this->getPixelIDs(), 'commentEventEnabled' => $this->getOption('comment_event_enabled'), 'downloadEnabled' => $this->getOption('download_event_enabled'), 'formEventEnabled' => $this->getOption('form_event_enabled'), 'crossDomainEnabled' => $this->getOption('cross_domain_enabled'), 'crossDomainAcceptIncoming' => $this->getOption('cross_domain_accept_incoming'), 'crossDomainDomains' => $this->getOption('cross_domain_domains'), 'isDebugEnabled' => $this->getPixelDebugMode(), 'serverContainerUrls' => $this->getPixelServerContainerUrls(), 'additionalConfig' => $this->getPixelAdditionalConfig(), 'disableAdvertisingFeatures' => $this->getOption( 'disable_advertising_features' ), 'disableAdvertisingPersonalization' => $this->getOption( 'disable_advertising_personalization' ), 'wooVariableAsSimple' => GATags()->getOption( 'woo_variable_as_simple' ), 'custom_page_view_event' => $this->getOption( 'custom_page_view_event' ), ); } private function isGaV4($tag) { return strpos($tag, 'G') === 0; } /** * Create pixel event and fill it * @param SingleEvent $event * @return SingleEvent[] */ public function generateEvents($event) { $pixelEvents = []; if ( ! $this->configured() ) { return []; } //$onlyGA4event = ['woo_view_cart']; //$isGA4Event = in_array($event->getId(), $onlyGA4event); $pixelIds = array_filter($this->getPixelIDs(), static function ($tag) { return strpos($tag, 'UA-') === false; }); if(count($pixelIds) > 0) { $pixelEvent = clone $event; if($this->addParamsToEvent($pixelEvent)) { $pixelEvent->addPayload([ 'trackingIds' => $pixelIds ]); $pixelEvents[] = $pixelEvent; } } return $pixelEvents; } //refactor it private function addDataToEvent($eventData,&$event) { $params = $eventData["data"]; unset($eventData["data"]); //unset($eventData["name"]); $event->addParams($params); $event->addPayload($eventData); } public function addParamsToEvent(&$event) { if (!$this->configured()) { return false; } $isActive = false; switch ($event->getId()) { //Automatic events case 'automatic_event_signup' : { $event->addPayload(["name" => "sign_up"]); $isActive = $this->getOption($event->getId().'_enabled'); } break; case 'automatic_event_login' :{ $event->addPayload(["name" => "login"]); $isActive = $this->getOption($event->getId().'_enabled'); } break; case 'automatic_event_search' :{ $event->addPayload(["name" => "search"]); $event->addParams([ "search_term" => empty( $_GET['s'] ) ? null : $_GET['s'], ]); $isActive = $this->getOption($event->getId().'_enabled'); } break; case 'automatic_event_form' : case 'automatic_event_download' : case 'automatic_event_comment' : case 'automatic_event_scroll' : case 'automatic_event_time_on_page' : { $isActive = $this->getOption($event->getId().'_enabled'); }break; case 'init_event': { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'custom_page_view_event' ) ) { return; } $eventData = $this->getPageViewEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } } break; case 'custom_event': { $eventData = $this->getCustomEventData($event->args); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'woo_view_content': { $eventData = $this->getWooViewContentEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'woo_view_cart': { $isActive = $this->getWooViewCartEventParams($event); }break; case 'woo_add_to_cart_on_cart_page': case 'woo_add_to_cart_on_checkout_page':{ $eventData = $this->getWooAddToCartOnCartEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'woo_remove_from_cart':{ $isActive = $this->getWooRemoveFromCartParams( $event ); }break; case 'woo_initiate_checkout':{ $eventData = $this->getWooInitiateCheckoutEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'woo_purchase':{ $eventData = $this->getWooPurchaseEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; /*case 'woo_view_item_list': { $eventData = $this->getWooViewCategoryEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break;*/ case 'edd_view_content': { $eventData = $this->getEddViewContentEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'edd_add_to_cart_on_checkout_page': { $eventData = $this->getEddCartEventParams('add_to_cart'); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'edd_remove_from_cart': { $eventData = $this->getEddRemoveFromCartParams( $event->args['item'] ); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; /*case 'edd_view_category': { $eventData = $this->getEddViewCategoryEventParams(); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break;*/ case 'edd_initiate_checkout': { $eventData = $this->getEddCartEventParams('begin_checkout'); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'edd_purchase': { $eventData = $this->getEddCartEventParams('purchase'); if ($eventData) { $isActive = true; $this->addDataToEvent($eventData, $event); } }break; case 'woo_add_to_cart_on_button_click': { if ( $this->getOption( 'woo_add_to_cart_enabled' ) && PYS()->getOption( 'woo_add_to_cart_on_button_click' ) ) { $isActive = true; if(isset($event->args['productId'])) { $eventData = $this->getWooAddToCartOnButtonClickEventParams( $event ); if($eventData) { $event->addParams($eventData["params"]); unset($eventData["params"]); $event->addPayload($eventData); } } $event->addPayload(array( 'name'=>"add_to_cart" )); } }break; case 'edd_add_to_cart_on_button_click': { if ( $this->getOption( 'edd_add_to_cart_enabled' ) && PYS()->getOption( 'edd_add_to_cart_on_button_click' ) ) { $isActive = true; if($event->args != null) { $eventData = $this->getEddAddToCartOnButtonClickEventParams( $event->args ); $event->addParams($eventData); } $event->addPayload(array( 'name'=>"add_to_cart" )); } }break; } return $isActive; } public function getEventData( $eventType, $args = null ) { return false; } public function outputNoScriptEvents() { if ( ! $this->configured() || $this->getOption('disable_noscript')) { return; } $eventsManager = PYS()->getEventsManager(); foreach ( $eventsManager->getStaticEvents( 'ga' ) as $eventName => $events ) { foreach ( $events as $event ) { foreach ( $this->getPixelIDs() as $pixelID ) { $args = array( 'v' => 1, 'tid' => $pixelID, 't' => 'event', ); //@see: if ( isset( $event['params']['event_category'] ) ) { $args['ec'] = urlencode( $event['params']['event_category'] ); } if ( isset( $event['params']['event_action'] ) ) { $args['ea'] = urlencode( $event['params']['event_action'] ); } if ( isset( $event['params']['event_label'] ) ) { $args['el'] = urlencode( $event['params']['event_label'] ); } if ( isset( $event['params']['value'] ) ) { $args['ev'] = urlencode( $event['params']['value'] ); } if ( isset( $event['params']['items'] ) && is_array( $event['params']['items'] )) { foreach ( $event['params']['items'] as $key => $item ) { if(isset($item['id'])) @$args["pr{$key}id" ] = urlencode( $item['id'] ); if(isset($item['name'])) @$args["pr{$key}nm"] = urlencode( $item['name'] ); if(isset($item['category'])) @$args["pr{$key}ca"] = urlencode( $item['category'] ); //@$args["pr{$key}va"] = urlencode( $item['id'] ); // variant if(isset($item['price'])) @$args["pr{$key}pr"] = urlencode( $item['price'] ); if(isset($item['quantity'])) @$args["pr{$key}qt"] = urlencode( $item['quantity'] ); } // $args["pa"] = 'detail'; // required } $src = add_query_arg( $args, '' ) ; $src = str_replace("[","%5B",$src); $src = str_replace("]","%5D",$src); // ALT tag used to pass ADA compliance printf( '<noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display: none;" src="%s" alt="google_analytics"></noscript>', $src); echo "\r\n"; } } } } private function getPageViewEventParams() { return array( 'name' => 'page_view', 'data' => array(), ); } /** * @param CustomEvent $event * * @return array|bool */ private function getCustomEventData( $event ) { $ga_action = $event->getMergedAction(); if ( ! $event->isUnifyAnalyticsEnabled() || empty( $ga_action ) ) { return false; } if($event->isGaV4()) { $params = $event->getMergedGaParams(); foreach ($event->getGAMergedCustomParams() as $item) { $params[$item['name']] = $item['value']; } } else { $params = array( 'event_category' => $event->ga_event_category, 'event_label' => $event->ga_event_label, 'value' => $event->ga_event_value, ); } return array( 'name' => $event->getMergedAction(), 'data' => $params, 'delay' => $event->getDelay(), ); } private function getWooViewCategoryEventParams() { global $posts; if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_view_category_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $product_categories = array(); $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), 'product_cat' ); if ( $term ) { $parent_ids = get_ancestors( $term->term_id, 'product_cat', 'taxonomy' ); $product_categories[] = $term->name; foreach ( $parent_ids as $term_id ) { $parent_term = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, 'product_cat' ); $product_categories[] = $parent_term->name; } } $items = array(); $product_ids = array(); $total_value = 0; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $posts ); $i ++ ) { if ( $posts[ $i ]->post_type !== 'product' ) { continue; } $item = array( 'id' => GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId($posts[ $i ]->ID), 'name' => $posts[ $i ]->post_title, 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => getWooProductPriceToDisplay( $posts[ $i ]->ID ), ); $category = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($posts[ $i ]->ID); if(!empty($category)) { $item = array_merge($item, $category); } $items[] = $item; $product_ids[] = $item['id']; $total_value += $item['price']; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'event_label' => 'category', 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'items' => $items, ); return array( 'name' => 'view_item_list', 'data' => $params, ); } private function getWooViewContentEventParams() { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_view_content_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $quantity = 1; $customProductPrice = -1; global $post; $product = wc_get_product( $post->ID ); if(!$product) return false; $productId = GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId($product->get_id()); $items = array(); $general_item = array( 'id' => $productId, 'name' => $product->get_name(), 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => getWooProductPriceToDisplay($product->get_id(), $quantity, $customProductPrice), ); $category = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($productId); if(!empty($category)) { $general_item = array_merge($general_item, $category); } $items[] = $general_item; // Check if the product has variations if ($product->is_type('variable') && !GATags()->getOption( 'woo_variable_as_simple' )) { $variations = $product->get_available_variations(); foreach ($variations as $variation) { $variationProduct = wc_get_product($variation['variation_id']); $variationProductId = GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId($variation['variation_id']); $category = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($variationProductId, true); $item = array( 'id' => $variationProductId, 'name' => GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') ? $variationProduct->get_title() : $variationProduct->get_name(), 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => getWooProductPriceToDisplay($variationProduct->get_id(), $quantity, $customProductPrice) ); $items[] = array_merge($item, $category); } } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), ); $params['items'] = $items; return array( 'name' => 'view_item', 'data' => $params, 'delay' => (int) PYS()->getOption( 'woo_view_content_delay' ), ); } private function getWooViewCartEventParams(&$event){ if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_view_cart_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $data = ['name' => 'view_cart']; $payload = $event->payload; $params = $this->getWooEventViewCartParams( $event ); $event->addParams($params); $event->addPayload($data); return true; } private function getWooEventViewCartParams($event){ $params = [ 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', ]; $params['currency'] = get_woocommerce_currency(); $items = array(); $product_ids = array(); $withTax = 'incl' === get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_display_cart' ); if(WC()->cart->get_cart()) { foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) { $product = wc_get_product(!empty($cart_item['variation_id'] && !GATags()->getOption('woo_variable_as_simple')) ? $cart_item['variation_id'] : $cart_item['product_id']); if ($product) { $product_data = $product->get_data(); $product_id = GA\Helpers\getWooCartItemId( $cart_item ); $content_id = GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId($product_id); $price = $cart_item['line_subtotal']; if ($withTax) { $price += $cart_item['line_subtotal_tax']; } $item = array( 'id' => $content_id, 'name' => GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') && $product->is_type('variation') ? $product->get_title() : $product->get_name(), 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], 'price' => $cart_item['quantity'] > 0 ? pys_round($price / $cart_item['quantity']) : $price, ); $category = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id, $product->is_type('variation')); if (!empty($category)) { $item = array_merge($item, $category); } if ($product && $product->is_type('variation')) { foreach ($event->args['products'] as $event_product){ if($event_product['product_id'] == $product_id && !empty($event_product['variation_name'])) { $item['variant'] = $event_product['variation_name']; } } } $items[] = $item; $product_ids[] = $item['id']; } } } $params['items'] = $items; $params['currency'] = get_woocommerce_currency(); $params['value'] = getWooEventCartTotal($event); return $params; } private function getWooAddToCartOnButtonClickEventParams( $args ) { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_add_to_cart_enabled' ) || ! PYS()->getOption( 'woo_add_to_cart_on_button_click' ) ) { return false; } $product_id = $args->args['productId']; $quantity = $args->args['quantity']; $product = wc_get_product( $product_id ); if(!$product) return false; $product_ids = array(); $items = array(); $isGrouped = $product->get_type() == "grouped"; if($isGrouped) { $product_ids = $product->get_children(); } else { $product_ids[] = $product_id; } foreach ($product_ids as $child_id) { $childProduct = wc_get_product($child_id); if($childProduct->get_type() == "variable" && $isGrouped) { continue; } $content_id = GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId($child_id); $price = getWooProductPriceToDisplay( $child_id, $quantity ); $name = GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') && $childProduct->is_type('variation') ? $childProduct->get_title() : $childProduct->get_name(); if ( $childProduct->get_type() == 'variation' ) { $variation_name = !GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') ? implode("/", $childProduct->get_variation_attributes()) : $product->get_title(); $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($child_id, true); } else { $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($child_id); $variation_name = null; } $item = array( 'id' => $content_id, 'name' => $name, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => $price, 'variant' => $variation_name, ); if (!empty($categories)) { $item = array_merge($item, $categories); } $items[] = $item; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'items' => $items, ); $data = array( 'params' => $params, ); if($product->get_type() == 'grouped') { $grouped = array(); foreach ($product->get_children() as $childId) { $grouped[$childId] = array( 'content_id' => GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId( $childId ), 'price' => getWooProductPriceToDisplay( $childId ) ); } $data['grouped'] = $grouped; } return $data; } private function getWooAddToCartOnCartEventParams() { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_add_to_cart_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $params = $this->getWooCartParams(); return array( 'name' => 'add_to_cart', 'data' => $params ); } /** * @param SingleEvent $event * @return bool */ private function getWooRemoveFromCartParams( $event ) { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_remove_from_cart_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $cart_item = $event->args['item']; $product_id = $cart_item['product_id']; $product = wc_get_product( $product_id ); if(!$product) return false; $name = $product->get_title(); if ( ! empty( $cart_item['variation_id'] ) ) { $variation = wc_get_product( $cart_item['variation_id'] ); if($variation && $variation->get_type() == 'variation' && !GATags()->getOption( 'woo_variable_as_simple' )) { $variation_name = !GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') ? implode("/", $variation->get_variation_attributes()) : $product->get_title(); $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id, true); } else { $variation_name = null; $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id); } } else { $variation_name = null; $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id); } $data = [ 'name' => "remove_from_cart" ]; $params = [ 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'items' => array( array( 'id' => $product_id, 'name' => $name, 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], 'price' => getWooProductPriceToDisplay( $product_id, $cart_item['quantity'] ), 'variant' => $variation_name, ), )]; if(!empty($categories)) { $params['items'][0] = array_merge($params['items'][0], $categories); } $event->addParams($params); $event->addPayload($data); return true; } private function getWooInitiateCheckoutEventParams() { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_initiate_checkout_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $params = $this->getWooCartParams(); return array( 'name' => 'begin_checkout', 'data' => $params ); } private function getWooPurchaseEventParams() { global $wp; if ( ! $this->getOption( 'woo_purchase_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $key = sanitize_key($_REQUEST['key']); $cache_key = 'order_id_' . $key; $order_id = get_transient( $cache_key ); if (PYS()->woo_is_order_received_page() && empty($order_id) && $wp->query_vars['order-received']) { $order_id = absint( $wp->query_vars['order-received'] ); if ($order_id) { set_transient( $cache_key, $order_id, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } } if ( empty($order_id) ) { $order_id = (int) wc_get_order_id_by_order_key( $key ); set_transient( $cache_key, $order_id, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); if(!$order) return false; $items = array(); $product_ids = array(); $total_value = 0; foreach ( $order->get_items( 'line_item' ) as $line_item ) { $product_id = GA\Helpers\getWooCartItemId( $line_item ); $content_id = GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId( $product_id ); $product = wc_get_product( $product_id ); if (GATags()->getOption('woo_variable_as_simple') && $product->is_type('variation')) { $product = wc_get_product($product->get_parent_id()); } if(!$product) continue; $name = GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') && $product->is_type('variation') ? $product->get_title() : $product->get_name(); if ( $line_item['variation_id'] ) { $variation = wc_get_product( $line_item['variation_id'] ); if($variation && $variation->get_type() == 'variation' && !GATags()->getOption( 'woo_variable_as_simple' )) { $variation_name = !GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') ? implode("/", $variation->get_variation_attributes()) : $product->get_title(); $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id, true); } else { $variation_name = null; $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id); } } else { $variation_name = null; $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id); } /** * Discounted price used instead of price as is on Purchase event only to avoid wrong numbers in * Analytic's Product Performance report. */ if ( isWooCommerceVersionGte( '3.0' ) ) { $price = pys_round($line_item['total'] + $line_item['total_tax']); } else { $price = pys_round($line_item['line_total'] + $line_item['line_tax']); } $qty = $line_item['qty']; $price = $price / $qty; if ( isWooCommerceVersionGte( '3.0' ) ) { if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax' ) ) { $price = wc_get_price_including_tax( $product, array( 'qty' => 1, 'price' => $price ) ); } else { $price = wc_get_price_excluding_tax( $product, array( 'qty' => 1, 'price' => $price ) ); } } else { if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax' ) ) { $price = $product->get_price_including_tax( 1, $price ); } else { $price = $product->get_price_excluding_tax( 1, $price ); } } $item = array( 'id' => $content_id, 'name' => $name, 'quantity' => $qty, 'price' => $price, 'variant' => $variation_name, ); if (!empty($categories)) { $item = array_merge($item, $categories); } $items[] = $item; $product_ids[] = $item['id']; $total_value += $item['price' ]; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'transaction_id' => $order_id, 'value' => $order->get_total(), 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'items' => $items, ); $params['fees'] = get_fees($order); return array( 'name' => 'purchase', 'data' => $params ); } private function getWooCartParams() { $items = array(); $product_ids = array(); $total_value = 0; foreach ( WC()->cart->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) { $product_id = GA\Helpers\getWooCartItemId( $cart_item ); $content_id = GA\Helpers\getWooProductContentId( $product_id ); $product = wc_get_product( $product_id ); if(!$product) continue; $name = GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') && $product->is_type('variation') ? $product->get_title() : $product->get_name(); if ( $cart_item['variation_id'] ) { $variation = wc_get_product( $cart_item['variation_id'] ); if($variation && $variation->get_type() == 'variation' && !GATags()->getOption( 'woo_variable_as_simple' )) { $variation_name = !GATags()->getOption('woo_variations_use_parent_name') ? implode("/", $variation->get_variation_attributes()) : $product->get_title(); $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id, true); } else { $variation_name = null; $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id); } } else { $variation_name = null; $categories = $this->getCategoryArrayWoo($product_id); } $item = array( 'id' => $content_id, 'name' => $name, 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], 'price' => getWooProductPriceToDisplay( $product_id ), 'variant' => $variation_name, ); if (!empty($categories)) { $item = array_merge($item, $categories); } $items[] = $item; $product_ids[] = $item['id']; $total_value += $item['price']; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'items' => $items, ); return $params; } private function getEddViewContentEventParams() { global $post; if ( ! $this->getOption( 'edd_view_content_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'items' => array( array( 'id' => $post->ID, 'name' => $post->post_title, 'category' => implode( '/', getObjectTerms( 'download_category', $post->ID ) ), 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => getEddDownloadPriceToDisplay( $post->ID ), ), ), ); return array( 'name' => 'view_item', 'data' => $params, 'delay' => (int) PYS()->getOption( 'edd_view_content_delay' ), ); } private function getEddAddToCartOnButtonClickEventParams( $download_id ) { // maybe extract download price id if ( strpos( $download_id, '_') !== false ) { list( $download_id, $price_index ) = explode( '_', $download_id ); } else { $price_index = null; } $download_post = get_post( $download_id ); $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'items' => array( array( 'id' => GA\Helpers\getEddDownloadContentId($download_id), 'name' => $download_post->post_title, 'category' => implode( '/', getObjectTerms( 'download_category', $download_id ) ), 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => getEddDownloadPriceToDisplay( $download_id, $price_index ), ), ), ); return $params; } private function getEddCartEventParams( $context = 'add_to_cart' ) { if ( $context == 'add_to_cart' && ! $this->getOption( 'edd_add_to_cart_enabled' ) ) { return false; } elseif ( $context == 'begin_checkout' && ! $this->getOption( 'edd_initiate_checkout_enabled' ) ) { return false; } elseif ( $context == 'purchase' && ! $this->getOption( 'edd_purchase_enabled' ) ) { return false; } if ( $context == 'add_to_cart' || $context == 'begin_checkout' ) { $cart = edd_get_cart_contents(); } else { $cart = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( edd_get_purchase_id_by_key( getEddPaymentKey() ), true ); } $items = array(); $product_ids = array(); $total_value = 0; foreach ( $cart as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) { $download_id = (int) $cart_item['id']; $download_post = get_post( $download_id ); if ( in_array( $context, array( 'purchase', 'FrequentShopper', 'VipClient', 'BigWhale' ) ) ) { $item_options = $cart_item['item_number']['options']; } else { $item_options = $cart_item['options']; } if ( ! empty( $item_options ) && !empty($item_options['price_id'])) { $price_index = $item_options['price_id']; } else { $price_index = null; } /** * Price as is used for all events except Purchase to avoid wrong values in Product Performance report. */ if ( $context == 'purchase' ) { if(!isset($cart_item['item_price']) || !isset($cart_item['discount']) || !isset($cart_item['tax'])) { $price = getEddDownloadPriceToDisplay( $download_id, $price_index ); } else { $price = $cart_item['item_price'] - $cart_item['discount']; if ( edd_prices_include_tax() ) { $price -= $cart_item['tax']; } else { $price += $cart_item['tax']; } } } else { $price = getEddDownloadPriceToDisplay( $download_id, $price_index ); } $item = array( 'id' => GA\Helpers\getEddDownloadContentId($download_id), 'name' => $download_post->post_title, 'category' => implode( '/', getObjectTerms( 'download_category', $download_id ) ), 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], 'price' => $price // 'variant' => $variation_name, ); $items[] = $item; $product_ids[] = (int) $cart_item['id']; $total_value += $price; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'items' => $items, ); if ( $context == 'purchase' ) { $payment_key = getEddPaymentKey(); $payment_id = (int) edd_get_purchase_id_by_key( $payment_key ); $params['transaction_id'] = $payment_id; $params['currency'] = edd_get_currency(); $params['value'] = edd_get_payment_amount( $payment_id ); } return array( 'name' => $context, 'data' => $params, ); } private function getEddRemoveFromCartParams( $cart_item ) { if ( ! $this->getOption( 'edd_remove_from_cart_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $download_id = $cart_item['id']; $download_post = get_post( $download_id ); $price_index = ! empty( $cart_item['options'] ) ? $cart_item['options']['price_id'] : null; return array( 'name' => 'remove_from_cart', 'data' => array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'items' => array( array( 'id' => GA\Helpers\getEddDownloadContentId($download_id), 'name' => $download_post->post_title, 'category' => implode( '/', getObjectTerms( 'download_category', $download_id ) ), 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], 'price' => getEddDownloadPriceToDisplay( $download_id, $price_index ), // 'variant' => $variation_name, ), ), ), ); } private function getEddViewCategoryEventParams() { global $posts; if ( ! $this->getOption( 'edd_view_category_enabled' ) ) { return false; } $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), 'download_category' ); if ( !$term ) return false; $parent_ids = get_ancestors( $term->term_id, 'download_category', 'taxonomy' ); $download_categories = array(); $download_categories[] = $term->name; foreach ( $parent_ids as $term_id ) { $parent_term = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, 'download_category' ); $download_categories[] = $parent_term->name; } $list_name = implode( '/', array_reverse( $download_categories ) ); $items = array(); $product_ids = array(); $total_value = 0; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $posts ); $i ++ ) { $item = array( 'id' => GA\Helpers\getEddDownloadContentId($posts[ $i ]->ID), 'name' => $posts[ $i ]->post_title, 'category' => implode( '/', getObjectTerms( 'download_category', $posts[ $i ]->ID ) ), 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => getEddDownloadPriceToDisplay( $posts[ $i ]->ID ), 'list_position' => $i + 1, 'list' => $list_name, ); $items[] = $item; $product_ids[] = $item['id']; $total_value += $item['price']; } $params = array( 'event_category' => 'ecommerce', 'event_label' => $list_name, 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'items' => $items, ); return array( 'name' => 'view_item_list', 'data' => $params, ); } private function getCategoryArrayWoo($contentID, $isVariant = false) { $category_array = array(); if ($isVariant) { $parent_product_id = wp_get_post_parent_id($contentID); $category = getObjectTerms('product_cat', $parent_product_id); } else { $category = getObjectTerms('product_cat', $contentID); } $category_index = 1; foreach ($category as $cat) { if ($category_index >= 6) { break; // Stop the loop if the maximum limit of 5 categories is exceeded } $category_array['item_category' . ($category_index > 1 ? $category_index : '')] = $cat; $category_index++; } return $category_array; } } /** * @return GA */ function GA() { return GA::instance(); } GA();