View file File name : frontend-pro.js Content :/** * File fronend-pro.js * * Handles toggling the navigation menu for Addon widget * * @package astra-addon */ astraToggleSetupPro = function( mobileHeaderType, body, menu_click_listeners ) { var flag = false; var menuToggleAllLength; if ( 'off-canvas' === mobileHeaderType || 'full-width' === mobileHeaderType ) { // comma separated selector added, if menu is outside of Off-Canvas then submenu is not clickable, it work only for Off-Canvas area with dropdown style. var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-popup, #ast-mobile-header' ); if ( body.classList.contains('ast-header-break-point') ) { var menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ); } else { menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-desktop-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ); } menuToggleAllLength = menu_toggle_all.length; } else { if ( body.classList.contains('ast-header-break-point') ) { var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-header' ), menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-mobile-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ); menuToggleAllLength = menu_toggle_all.length; flag = menuToggleAllLength > 0 ? false : true; menuToggleAllLength = flag ? 1 : menuToggleAllLength; } else { var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-desktop-header' ), menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll('#ast-desktop-header .main-header-menu-toggle'); menuToggleAllLength = menu_toggle_all.length; } } if ( menuToggleAllLength > 0 || flag ) { for (var i = 0; i < menuToggleAllLength; i++) { if ( !flag ) { menu_toggle_all[i].setAttribute('data-index', i); if (!menu_click_listeners[i]) { menu_click_listeners[i] = menu_toggle_all[i]; menu_toggle_all[i].addEventListener('click', astraNavMenuToggle, false); } } if ('undefined' !== typeof __main_header_all[i]) { // To handle the comma seprated selector added above we need this loop. for( var mainHeaderCount =0; mainHeaderCount < __main_header_all.length; mainHeaderCount++ ){ if (document.querySelector('').classList.contains('ast-builder-menu-toggle-link')) { var astra_menu_toggle = __main_header_all[mainHeaderCount].querySelectorAll('ul.main-header-menu .menu-item-has-children > .menu-link, ul.main-header-menu .ast-menu-toggle'); } else { var astra_menu_toggle = __main_header_all[mainHeaderCount].querySelectorAll('ul.main-header-menu .ast-menu-toggle'); } // Add Eventlisteners for Submenu. if (astra_menu_toggle.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < astra_menu_toggle.length; j++) { astra_menu_toggle[j].addEventListener('click', AstraToggleSubMenu, false); } } } } } } } astraNavMenuTogglePro = function ( event, body, mobileHeaderType, thisObj ) { event.preventDefault(); var desktop_header ='#ast-desktop-header'); var desktop_header_content = document.querySelector('#masthead > #ast-desktop-header .ast-desktop-header-content'); if ( null !== desktop_header && undefined !== desktop_header && '' !== desktop_header ) { var desktop_toggle = desktop_header.querySelector( '.main-header-menu-toggle' ); } else { var desktop_toggle = document.querySelector('#masthead > #ast-desktop-header .main-header-menu-toggle'); } var desktop_menu = document.querySelector('#masthead > #ast-desktop-header .ast-desktop-header-content .main-header-bar-navigation'); if ( 'desktop' === event.currentTarget.trigger_type ) { if ( null !== desktop_menu && '' !== desktop_menu && undefined !== desktop_menu ) { astraToggleClass(desktop_menu, 'toggle-on'); if (desktop_menu.classList.contains('toggle-on')) { = 'block'; } else { = ''; } } astraToggleClass(desktop_toggle, 'toggled'); if ( desktop_toggle.classList.contains( 'toggled' ) ) { body.classList.add("ast-main-header-nav-open"); if ( 'dropdown' === mobileHeaderType ) { = 'block'; } } else { body.classList.remove("ast-main-header-nav-open"); = 'none'; } return; } var __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll('#masthead > #ast-mobile-header .main-header-bar-navigation'); menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#masthead > #ast-mobile-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ) var event_index = '0'; var sticky_header = false; if ( null !== thisObj.closest( '#ast-fixed-header' ) ) { __main_header_all = document.querySelectorAll('#ast-fixed-header > #ast-mobile-header .main-header-bar-navigation'); menu_toggle_all = document.querySelectorAll( '#ast-fixed-header .main-header-menu-toggle' ) event_index = '0'; sticky_header = true; } if ('undefined' === typeof __main_header_all[event_index]) { return false; } var menuHasChildren = __main_header_all[event_index].querySelectorAll('.menu-item-has-children'); for (var i = 0; i < menuHasChildren.length; i++) { menuHasChildren[i].classList.remove('ast-submenu-expanded'); var menuHasChildrenSubMenu = menuHasChildren[i].querySelectorAll('.sub-menu'); for (var j = 0; j < menuHasChildrenSubMenu.length; j++) { menuHasChildrenSubMenu[j].style.display = 'none'; } } var menu_class = thisObj.getAttribute('class') || ''; if ( menu_class.indexOf('main-header-menu-toggle') !== -1 ) { astraToggleClass(__main_header_all[event_index], 'toggle-on'); astraToggleClass(menu_toggle_all[event_index], 'toggled'); if ( sticky_header && 1 < menu_toggle_all.length ) { astraToggleClass(menu_toggle_all['1'], 'toggled'); } if (__main_header_all[event_index].classList.contains('toggle-on')) { __main_header_all[event_index].style.display = 'block'; body.classList.add("ast-main-header-nav-open"); } else { __main_header_all[event_index].style.display = ''; body.classList.remove("ast-main-header-nav-open"); } } } const accountMenuToggle = function () { const checkAccountActionTypeCondition = astraAddon.hf_account_action_type && 'menu' === astraAddon.hf_account_action_type; const accountMenuClickCondition = checkAccountActionTypeCondition && astraAddon.hf_account_show_menu_on && 'click' === astraAddon.hf_account_show_menu_on; const headerAccountContainer = document.querySelectorAll('.ast-header-account-wrap'); if( headerAccountContainer ) { headerAccountContainer.forEach(element => { const accountMenu = element.querySelector('.ast-account-nav-menu'); document.addEventListener('pointerup', function(e) { const condition = ( accountMenuClickCondition ) || ( checkAccountActionTypeCondition && document.querySelector('body').classList.contains('ast-header-break-point')); if( condition ) { // if the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container if (!element.contains( { = ''; = ''; } } }); const headerAccountTrigger = element.querySelector( '.ast-header-account-link' ); if( headerAccountTrigger ) { headerAccountTrigger.addEventListener( 'click', function(e) { const condition = ( accountMenuClickCondition ) || ( checkAccountActionTypeCondition && document.querySelector('body').classList.contains('ast-header-break-point')); if( condition ) { headerSelectionPosition ='.site-header-section'); if( headerSelectionPosition ) { if( headerSelectionPosition.classList.contains('site-header-section-left') ) { = === '' ? '-100%' : ''; = === '' ? 'auto' : ''; } else { = === '' ? '-100%' : ''; = === '' ? 'auto' : ''; } } } }); } }); } } document.addEventListener( 'astPartialContentRendered', function() { accountMenuToggle(); }); window.addEventListener( 'load', function() { accountMenuToggle(); } ); document.addEventListener( 'astLayoutWidthChanged', function() { accountMenuToggle(); } );