View file File name : FFMpeg.php Content :<?php namespace WebPConvert\Convert\Converters; use WebPConvert\Convert\Converters\AbstractConverter; use WebPConvert\Convert\Converters\ConverterTraits\ExecTrait; use WebPConvert\Convert\Converters\ConverterTraits\EncodingAutoTrait; use WebPConvert\Convert\Exceptions\ConversionFailed\ConverterNotOperational\SystemRequirementsNotMetException; use WebPConvert\Convert\Exceptions\ConversionFailedException; use WebPConvert\Options\OptionFactory; use ExecWithFallback\ExecWithFallback; //use WebPConvert\Convert\Exceptions\ConversionFailed\InvalidInput\TargetNotFoundException; /** * Convert images to webp by calling imagemagick binary. * * @package WebPConvert * @author Bjørn Rosell <> * @since Class available since Release 2.0.0 */ class FFMpeg extends AbstractConverter { use ExecTrait; use EncodingAutoTrait; protected function getUnsupportedDefaultOptions() { return [ 'alpha-quality', 'auto-filter', 'low-memory', 'metadata', 'near-lossless', 'sharp-yuv', 'size-in-percentage', ]; } /** * Get the options unique for this converter * * @return array Array of options */ public function getUniqueOptions($imageType) { return OptionFactory::createOptions([ self::niceOption() ]); } private function getPath() { if (defined('WEBPCONVERT_FFMPEG_PATH')) { return constant('WEBPCONVERT_FFMPEG_PATH'); } if (!empty(getenv('WEBPCONVERT_FFMPEG_PATH'))) { return getenv('WEBPCONVERT_FFMPEG_PATH'); } return 'ffmpeg'; } public function isInstalled() { ExecWithFallback::exec($this->getPath() . ' -version 2>&1', $output, $returnCode); return ($returnCode == 0); } // Check if webp delegate is installed public function isWebPDelegateInstalled() { ExecWithFallback::exec($this->getPath() . ' -version 2>&1', $output, $returnCode); foreach ($output as $line) { if (preg_match('# --enable-libwebp#i', $line)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check (general) operationality of imagack converter executable * * @throws SystemRequirementsNotMetException if system requirements are not met */ public function checkOperationality() { $this->checkOperationalityExecTrait(); if (!$this->isInstalled()) { throw new SystemRequirementsNotMetException( 'ffmpeg is not installed (cannot execute: "' . $this->getPath() . '")' ); } if (!$this->isWebPDelegateInstalled()) { throw new SystemRequirementsNotMetException('ffmpeg was compiled without libwebp'); } } /** * Build command line options * * @return string */ private function createCommandLineOptions() { // PS: Available webp options for ffmpeg are documented here: // $commandArguments = []; $commandArguments[] = '-i'; $commandArguments[] = escapeshellarg($this->source); // preset. Appears first in the list as recommended in the cwebp docs if (!is_null($this->options['preset'])) { if ($this->options['preset'] != 'none') { $commandArguments[] = '-preset ' . $this->options['preset']; } } // Overwrite existing files?, yes! $commandArguments[] = '-y'; if ($this->isQualityDetectionRequiredButFailing()) { // quality:auto was specified, but could not be determined. // we cannot apply the max-quality logic, but we can provide auto quality // simply by not specifying the quality option. } else { $commandArguments[] = '-qscale ' . escapeshellarg($this->getCalculatedQuality()); } if ($this->options['encoding'] == 'lossless') { $commandArguments[] = '-lossless 1'; } else { $commandArguments[] = '-lossless 0'; } if ($this->options['metadata'] == 'none') { // Unfortunately there seems to be no easy solution available for removing all metadata. } // compression_level maps to method, according to $commandArguments[] = '-compression_level ' . $this->options['method']; $commandArguments[] = escapeshellarg($this->destination); return implode(' ', $commandArguments); } protected function doActualConvert() { //$this->logLn($this->getVersion()); $command = $this->getPath() . ' ' . $this->createCommandLineOptions() . ' 2>&1'; $useNice = ($this->options['use-nice'] && $this->checkNiceSupport()); if ($useNice) { $command = 'nice ' . $command; } $this->logLn('Executing command: ' . $command); ExecWithFallback::exec($command, $output, $returnCode); $this->logExecOutput($output); if ($returnCode == 0) { $this->logLn('success'); } else { $this->logLn('return code: ' . $returnCode); } if ($returnCode == 127) { throw new SystemRequirementsNotMetException('ffmpeg is not installed'); } if ($returnCode != 0) { throw new SystemRequirementsNotMetException('The exec() call failed'); } } }