View file File name : index.js Content :import { Button, Card, Link, Title } from '@newfold/ui-component-library'; import { ArrowRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; /** * MarketplaceItem Component * For use in Marketplace to display marketplace items * * @param {*} props * @return */ const MarketplaceItem = ( { item, methods, constants } ) => { /** * Send events to the WP REST API * * @param {Object} event The event data to be tracked. */ const sendEvent = ( event ) => { = || {}; = window.location.href; methods.apiFetch( { url: methods.NewfoldRuntime.createApiUrl( constants.eventendpoint ), method: 'POST', data: event, } ); }; /** * Handle button clicks * @param Event event * @param event * @return */ const onButtonNavigate = ( event ) => { if ( event.keycode && ENTER !== event.keycode ) { return; } sendEvent( { action: 'newfold-marketplaceitem-click', data: { element: 'button', label:, productId:, }, } ); }; /** * Handle link clicks * @param Event event * @param event * @return */ const onAnchorNavigate = ( event ) => { if ( event.keycode && ENTER !== event.keycode ) { return; } sendEvent( { action: 'newfold-marketplaceitem-click', data: { element: 'a', href: 'href' ), label:, productId:, }, } ); }; /** * initial set up - adding event listeners */ methods.useEffect( () => { const itemContainer = document.getElementById( `marketplace-item-${ }` ); const itemButtons = Array.from( itemContainer.querySelectorAll( 'button' ) ); const itemAnchors = Array.from( itemContainer.querySelectorAll( 'a' ) ); if ( itemButtons.length ) { itemButtons.forEach( ( button ) => { if ( button.getAttribute( 'data-action' ) !== 'close' ) { button.addEventListener( 'click', onButtonNavigate ); button.addEventListener( 'onkeydown', onButtonNavigate ); } } ); } if ( itemAnchors.length ) { itemAnchors.forEach( ( link ) => { if ( link.getAttribute( 'data-action' ) !== 'close' ) { link.addEventListener( 'click', onAnchorNavigate ); link.addEventListener( 'onkeydown', onAnchorNavigate ); } } ); } // unmount remove event listeners return () => { if ( itemButtons.length ) { itemButtons.forEach( ( button ) => { if ( button.getAttribute( 'data-action' ) !== 'close' ) { button.removeEventListener( 'click', onButtonNavigate ); button.removeEventListener( 'onkeydown', onButtonNavigate ); } } ); } if ( itemAnchors.length ) { itemAnchors.forEach( ( link ) => { if ( link.getAttribute( 'data-action' ) !== 'close' ) { link.removeEventListener( 'click', onAnchorNavigate ); link.removeEventListener( 'onkeydown', onAnchorNavigate ); } } ); } }; }, [] ); const renderPrimaryCTA = ( item ) => { let primaryCTA = ''; if ( item.primaryCallToAction && item.primaryUrl ) { if ( item.clickToBuyId ) { primaryCTA = ( <Button as="a" href={ item.primaryUrl } target="_blank" data-action="load-nfd-ctb" data-ctb-id={ item.clickToBuyId } > { item.primaryCallToAction } </Button> ); } else { primaryCTA = ( <Button as="a" href={ item.primaryUrl } target="_blank"> { item.primaryCallToAction } </Button> ); } } return primaryCTA; }; const renderPrice = ( item ) => { let pricewrap, price, fullprice = ''; if ( item.price > 0 && item.price_formatted ) { price = ( <span className="marketplace-item-price nfd-bg-[#E2E8F0] nfd-py-1 nfd-px-3 nfd-rounded-full"> { item.price_formatted } </span> ); if ( item.full_price > 0 && item.full_price_formatted ) { fullprice = ( <span className="marketplace-item-fullprice nfd-line-through"> { item.full_price_formatted } </span> ); } pricewrap = ( <div className="marketplace-item-price-wrap has-full-price nfd-flex nfd-flex-col nfd-items-center nfd-gap-2 nfd-text-[#1E293B] nfd-font-medium"> { fullprice } { price } </div> ); } return pricewrap; }; return ( <Card className={ `marketplace-item marketplace-item-${ } ${ item.full_price ? 'product-has-full-price' : '' }` } id={ `marketplace-item-${ }` } > <Card.Header className="nfd-h-auto nfd-p-0"> { item.productThumbnailUrl && ( <img src={ item.productThumbnailUrl } alt={ + ' thumbnail' } className="nfd-w-full nfd-aspect-video marketplace-item-image" /> ) } </Card.Header> <Card.Content className="nfd-flex nfd-flex-col nfd-gap-3"> <Title as="h3" size="4" className="marketplace-item-title"> { } </Title> <p>{ item.description }</p> { item.secondaryCallToAction && ( <Link as="a" href={ item.secondaryUrl } target="_blank" className="nfd-inline-flex nfd-items-center nfd-gap-1.5 nfd-w-max nfd-no-underline" > <span className="nfd-text-primary"> { item.secondaryCallToAction } </span> <ArrowRightIcon className="nfd-text-[#18181B] nfd-w-3" /> </Link> ) } </Card.Content> <Card.Footer className="nfd-flex nfd-justify-between nfd-items-center nfd-flex-wrap nfd-gap-2 marketplace-item-footer"> { renderPrice( item ) } { renderPrimaryCTA( item ) } </Card.Footer> </Card> ); }; export default MarketplaceItem;