Edit file File name : cleanup-repository.php Content :<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\User_Meta\Infrastructure; /** * Repository going into the database to clean up. */ class Cleanup_Repository { /** * Deletes empty usermeta based on their meta_keys and returns the number of the deleted meta. * * @param array<string> $meta_keys The meta to be potentially deleted. * @param int $limit The number of maximum deletions. * * @return int|false The number of rows that was deleted or false if the query failed. */ public function delete_empty_usermeta_query( $meta_keys, $limit ) { global $wpdb; // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.ReplacementsWrongNumber -- Reason: we're passing an array instead. $delete_query = $wpdb->prepare( 'DELETE FROM %i WHERE meta_key IN ( ' . \implode( ', ', \array_fill( 0, \count( $meta_keys ), '%s' ) ) . ' ) AND meta_value = "" ORDER BY user_id LIMIT %d', \array_merge( [ $wpdb->usermeta ], $meta_keys, [ $limit ] ) ); // phpcs:enable // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching -- Reason: No relevant caches. // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery -- Reason: Most performant way. // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Reason: Is it prepared already. return $wpdb->query( $delete_query ); // phpcs:enable } } Save