Edit file File name : single-infinite.js Content :(function ($) { "use strict"; // Variables var content_container = '#main.site-main'; var post_title_selector = 'h1.entry-title'; var nav_container = 'nav.post-navigation'; var comments_container = 'div#comments'; var remove_comments = 'yes'; var track_pageviews = 'yes'; var curr_url = window.location.href; var post_count = 0; var stop_reading = false; var show_comments = astra.show_comments || 'Show Comments'; var edit_post_url = astra.edit_post_url || ''; var siteUrl = astra.site_url || ''; $( document ).ready( function() { var in_customizer = false; // check for wp.customize return boolean if ( typeof wp !== 'undefined' ) { in_customizer = typeof wp.customize !== 'undefined' ? true : false; } // Don't do this if looking for comments or in customizer. if ( in_customizer || window.location.href.indexOf( '#comments' ) > -1 ) { return; } // Remove Comments. if ( remove_comments === 'yes' ) { initialise_comment( comments_container ); } var temp_content_container = $( content_container ); var post_ID = temp_content_container.find('.ast-article-single').attr('id'); if ( typeof post_ID !== typeof undefined && post_ID !== "" ) { post_ID = post_ID.replace('post-', ''); } // Add a post divider. temp_content_container.prepend( '<hr style="height: 0" class="post-divider" data-title="' + window.document.title + '" data-url="' + window.location.href + '" data-post-id="' + post_ID + '"/>' ); // Initialise scrollSpy initialise_scrollspy(); $('body').on( 'click', '.ast-show-comments', function( e ) { var parent = $(this).closest('.ast-show-comments-data'); parent.hide(); parent.siblings().show(); }); /** * Track Page View with Google Analytics. * * It will first detect if Google Analytics is installed before * attempting to send a pageview. * * The tracker detects both classic and universal tracking methods. * * Also supports Google Analytics by Monster Insights should it be used. */ $('body').on( 'asta-post-changed', function( e, post_title, post_url, post_id, post_count, stop_reading ) { if ( track_pageviews != 'yes' ) { return; } if ( typeof pageTracker === "undefined" && typeof _gaq === 'undefined' && typeof ga === 'undefined' && typeof __gaTracker === 'undefined' ) { return; } // Remove the base URL from the post_url. var regexp = new RegExp(siteUrl, 'gi') var postUrl = post_url.replace(regexp, ''); // This uses Asynchronous version of Google Analytics tracking method. if ( typeof pageTracker !== "undefined" && pageTracker !== null ) { pageTracker._trackPageview( postUrl ); } // This uses Google's classic Google Analytics tracking method. if ( typeof _gaq !== 'undefined' && _gaq !== null ) { _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', postUrl]); } // This uses Google Analytics Universal Analytics tracking method. if ( typeof ga !== 'undefined' && ga !== null ) { ga( 'send', 'pageview', postUrl ); } // This uses Monster Insights method of tracking Google Analytics. if ( typeof __gaTracker !== 'undefined' && __gaTracker !== null ) { __gaTracker( 'send', 'pageview', postUrl ); } // This uses Google Analytics Universal Analytics tracking method. if ( typeof gtag !== 'undefined' && gtag !== null ) { gtag('event', 'page_view', { 'page_title' : post_title, 'page_path': postUrl }); } }); }); // END document() function initialise_comment( comments_wrapper ) { var $comments_container = $( comments_wrapper ); if ( 0 === $comments_container.length ) { return; } $comments_container.each(function( index ) { var $this = $(this); if ( $this.find('.ast-show-comments-data').length === 0 ) { var comments_count_wrapper = $this.find( '.comments-count-wrapper' ); var comment_data = '<div class="ast-show-comments-data">'; $this.find( '.comment-respond' ).hide(); if ( comments_count_wrapper.length > 0 ) { comments_count_wrapper.hide(); $this.find( '.ast-comment-list' ).hide(); comment_data += '<div class="ast-show-comments-count"><h3 class="comments-title">' + comments_count_wrapper.find('.comments-title').text() + '</h3></div>'; } comment_data += '<div class="ast-show-comments button ast-button">' + show_comments + '</div>'; comment_data += '</div>'; $this.find( '.no-comments' ).hide(); $this.prepend( comment_data ); } }); } function initialise_scrollspy() { scrollspy(); } // END initialise_scrollspy() function scrollspy() { $( '.post-divider').off( 'scrollSpy:enter', astra_enter ); $( '.post-divider').off( 'scrollSpy:exit', astra_leave ); // Spy on post-divider - changes the URL in browser location and loads new post. $( '.post-divider').on( 'scrollSpy:enter', astra_enter ); $( '.post-divider').on( 'scrollSpy:exit', astra_leave ); $( '.post-divider').scrollSpy(); } // END scrollspy() function astra_enter() { var $enter = $(this); changeURL($enter, 'enter' ); } // END astra_enter() function astra_leave() { var $leave = $(this); changeURL($leave, 'leave' ); } // END astra_leave() function changeURL( $this, in_out_style ) { var el = $($this); var this_url = el.attr( 'data-url' ); var this_title = el.attr( 'data-title' ); var this_post_id = el.attr( 'data-post-id' ); var offset = el.offset(); var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop(); // If exiting or entering from top, change URL. if ( ( offset.top - scrollTop ) < 200 && curr_url != this_url ) { curr_url = this_url; History.pushState(null, this_title, this_url); // Update edit link if possible if( $('#wp-admin-bar-edit').length > 0 && '' != edit_post_url ) { var new_edit_post_url = edit_post_url.replace( "{{id}}", this_post_id ); $('#wp-admin-bar-edit a').attr( 'href', new_edit_post_url ); } $('body').trigger( 'asta-post-changed', [ this_title, this_url, this_post_id, post_count, stop_reading ] ); } if ( el.nextAll( '.post-divider' ).length === 0 ) { // Look for the next post to load if any. auto_load_next_post(); } } // END changeURL() /** * This is the main function. */ function auto_load_next_post() { // If the user can no read any more then stop looking for new posts. if ( stop_reading ) { return; } // Grab the url for the next post in the post navigation. var post_url = $( nav_container ).find( 'a[rel="prev"]').attr( 'href' ); // Return if previous post URL is same as current URL. if ( ! post_url || post_url === window.location.href ) { return; } // Check to see if pretty permalinks, if not then add partial-prev=1 if ( post_url.indexOf( '?' ) > -1 ) { var np_url = post_url + '&partial-prev=1' } else { var np_url = post_url + '?partial-prev=1' } // Remove the post navigation HTML once the next post has loaded. $( nav_container ).remove(); let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', post_url, true); request.send(); request.onload = function() { let string = request.response; let postData = new DOMParser().parseFromString(string, 'text/html'), postId = postData.querySelector( 'article.ast-article-single' ) ? postData.querySelector( 'article.ast-article-single' ).getAttribute('id') : ''; postId = '' != postId ? postId.replace('post-', '') : ''; // Make sure that only the post ID remains. let linkId = postData.getElementById("uag-style-" + postId + "-css"), styleId = postData.getElementById("uagb-style-frontend-" + postId); if ( '' !== postId && linkId ) { // If file generation is enabled. let href = linkId.href, styleLink = document.createElement("link"); styleLink.rel = "stylesheet"; styleLink.id = "uag-style-" + postId + "-css"; styleLink.href = href; styleLink.media = "all"; document.head.appendChild( styleLink ); } if ( '' !== postId && styleId ) { // If inline dynamic styles loaded. let styleLink = document.createElement("style"); styleLink.id = "uagb-style-frontend-" + postId; styleLink.textContent = styleId.innerText; document.head.appendChild( styleLink ); } } $.get( np_url , function( data ) { var post = $( "<div>" + data + "</div>" ); data = post.html(); // Returns the HTML data of the next post that was loaded. var post_divider = '<hr style="height: 0" class="ast-single-previous-hr post-divider" data-url="' + post_url + '"/>'; var post_html = $( post_divider + data ); var post_title = post_html.find( post_title_selector ); // Find the post title of the loaded article. var post_ID = $(post).find( 'article' ).attr( 'id' ); // Find the post ID of the loaded article. if ( typeof post_ID !== typeof undefined && post_ID !== "" ) { post_ID = post_ID.replace('post-', ''); // Make sure that only the post ID remains. } $( content_container ).append( post_html ); // Add next post. // Remove Comments. if ( remove_comments === 'yes' ) { initialise_comment( comments_container ); } // Get the hidden "HR" element and add the missing post title and post id attributes. Also make sure it remains hidden. $( 'hr[data-url="' + post_url + '"]').attr( 'data-title' , post_title.text() ).attr( 'data-post-id' , post_ID );// .css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); scrollspy(); // Need to set up ScrollSpy now that the new content has loaded. post_count = post_count+1; // Updates the post count. // Run an event once the post has loaded. $('body').trigger( 'astra-post-loaded', [ post_title.text(), post_url, post_ID, post_count ] ); }); } // END auto_load_next_post() })(jQuery); Save