Edit file File name : wpml-compatibility.php Content :<?php namespace WTS_EAE; class WPML_Compatibility { private static $_instance = null; public static function instance() { if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } private function __construct() { add_filter( 'wpml_elementor_widgets_to_translate', [ $this, 'wpml_widgets' ] ); } public function wpml_widgets( $widgets ) { // Free require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-animated-text.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-gmap.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-filterable-gallery.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-price-table.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-timeline.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-info-circle.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-thumbnail-slider.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-content-switcher.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-one.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-two.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-three.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-four.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-five.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-six.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-seven.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-eight.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-nine.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/comparison-table/class-wpml-eae-comparison-table-plan-ten.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-data-table-header.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-data-table-content.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/class-wpml-eae-chart.php'; $widgets = $this->split_text( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->flip_box( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->dual_button( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->image_compare( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->modal_popup( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->progress_bar( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->text_separator( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->twitter( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->post_list( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->animated_text( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->gmap( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->filterable_gallery( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->price_table( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->timeline( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->info_circle( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->comparison_table( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->thumbnail_slider( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->data_table( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->chart( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->content_switcher( $widgets ); if(Plugin::$is_pro){ // Pro require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-business-hours.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-business-hours-custom.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-image-accordion-custom.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-image-advance-list.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-faq.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-team-member.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-one.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-two.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-three.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-four.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-five.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-six.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-seven.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-eight.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-nine.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/radial-charts/class-radial-chart-dataset-ten.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-floating-element.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-video-gallery.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-one.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-two.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-three.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-four.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-five.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-six.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-seven.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-eight.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-nine.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/advance-price-table/class-advance-price-table-dataset-ten.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-image-hotspot.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-image-stack.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-info-group.php'; require_once EAE_PATH . 'wpml/modules/pro/class-wpml-testimonial-slider.php'; $widgets = $this->advanced_heading( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->add_to_calendar( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->business_hours( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->image_accordion( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->advance_list( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->faq( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->team_member( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->video_box( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->instagram_feed( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->radial_chart( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->floating_element( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->video_gallery( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->advance_price_table( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->call_to_action( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->circular_progress( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->devices( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->image_hotspot( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->image_stack( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->info_group( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->coupon_code( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->testimonial_slider( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->google_review( $widgets ); $widgets = $this->woo_category( $widgets ); } return $widgets; } private function radial_chart( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-radial-charts'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-radial-charts' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => [ '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_One', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Two', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Three', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Four', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Five', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Six', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Seven', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Eight', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Nine', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Radial_Chart_Dataset_Ten', ] ]; for($i = 0; $i<=10; $i++){ $fields = [ [ 'field' => 'dataset_label_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Radial Chart : Dateset'.$i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ]; $widgets['eae-radial-charts']['fields'] = array_merge($widgets['eae-radial-charts']['fields'], $fields); } return $widgets; } private function instagram_feed( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-instagram-feed'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-instagram-feed' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'insta_profile_link_text', 'type' => __( 'Instagram Feed : Profile Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function video_box( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-video-box'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-video-box' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'video_display_title', 'type' => __( 'Video Box : Video Detail Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'video_display_desc', 'type' => __( 'Video Box : Video Detail Description', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function team_member( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-team-member'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-team-member' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Team_Member', ]; return $widgets; } private function faq( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-faq'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-faq' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_FAQ', ]; return $widgets; } private function advance_list( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-advanced-list'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-advanced-list' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_List', ]; return $widgets; } private function image_accordion( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-image-accordion'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-image-accordion' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Image_Accordion', ]; return $widgets; } private function advanced_heading( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-advanced-heading'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-advanced-heading' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_title', 'type' => __( 'Advance Heading : Heading', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_sub_title', 'type' => __( 'Advance Heading : Sub Heading', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_shadow_text_content', 'type' => __( 'Advance Heading : Shadow Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_separator_with_text', 'type' => __( 'Advance Heading : Separator Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function add_to_calendar( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-add-to-calendar'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-add-to-calendar' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'eae_calendar_button_text', 'type' => __( 'Add to Calendar : Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function business_hours( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-business-hours'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-business-hours' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_indicators_heading', 'type' => __( 'Business Hours : Indicator Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_indicators_opening_warning_text_enter', 'type' => __( 'Business Hours : Indicator Opening Warning Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_indicators_closing_warning_text_enter', 'type' => __( 'Business Hours : Indicator Opening Warning Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_indicators_label_opening_text', 'type' => __( 'Business Hours : Indicator Label Opening Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'eae_heading_indicators_label_closing_text', 'type' => __( 'Business Hours : Indicator Label Closing Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], 'integration-class' => [ '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Business_Hours', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Business_Hours_Custom', ] ]; return $widgets; } private function floating_element( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-floating-element'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-floating-element' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Floating_Element', ]; return $widgets; } private function video_gallery( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-video-gallery'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-video-gallery' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'vg_filter_title', 'type' => __( 'Video Gallery: Filter Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'vg_filterable_all_label_text', 'type' => __( 'Video Gallery: Filter Category', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Video_Gallery', ]; return $widgets; } private function advance_price_table( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-advanced-price-table'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-advanced-price-table' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => [ '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_One', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Two', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Three', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Four', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Five', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Six', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Seven', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Eight', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Nine', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Advance_Price_Table_Ten', ] ]; for($i = 0; $i<=10; $i++){ $fields = [ [ 'field' => 'pt_title_'.$i , 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Title '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_description_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Description '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_price_prefix_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Price Prefix '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_price_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Price '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_sale_price_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Sale Price '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_duration_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Duration '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_button_text_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Button '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'pt_badge_text_'.$i, 'type' => __( 'Advance Price Table: Badge Text '. $i , 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ]; $widgets['eae-advanced-price-table']['fields'] = array_merge($widgets['eae-advanced-price-table']['fields'], $fields); } return $widgets; } private function chart( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-chart'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-chart' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'labels', 'type' => __( 'Chart : Labels', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Chart', ]; return $widgets; } private function data_table( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-data-table'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-data-table' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => [ '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Data_Table_Header', '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Data_Table_Content' ], ]; return $widgets; } private function content_switcher( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-content-switcher'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-content-switcher' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Content_Switcher', ]; return $widgets; } private function thumbnail_slider( $widgets ){ $widgets['eae-thumbgallery'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-thumbgallery' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Thumbnail_Slider', ]; return $widgets; } private function split_text( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-splittext'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-splittext' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'text', 'type' => __( 'Split Text: Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function flip_box( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-flipbox'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-flipbox' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'front_title', 'type' => __( 'Flip Box: Front Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'front-text', 'type' => __( 'Flip Box: Front Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'back_title', 'type' => __( 'Flip Box: Back Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'back_text', 'type' => __( 'Flip Box: Back Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'action_text', 'type' => __( 'Flip Box: Button Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function dual_button( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-dual-button'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-dual-button' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'button1_text', 'type' => __( 'Dual Button: Button 1 Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'button2_text', 'type' => __( 'Dual Button: Button 2 Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'separator_text', 'type' => __( 'Dual Button: Separator Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function image_compare( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-ab-image'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-ab-image' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'text_before', 'type' => __( 'Image Compare: Before Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'text_after', 'type' => __( 'Image Compare: After Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function modal_popup( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-modal-popup'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-modal-popup' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'modal_title', 'type' => __( 'Modal Popup: Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'modal_content', 'type' => __( 'Modal Popup: Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'button_text', 'type' => __( 'Modal Popup: Button Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function progress_bar( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-progress-bar'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-progress-bar' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'progress_title', 'type' => __( 'Progress Bar: Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function text_separator( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-textseparator'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-textseparator' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'title', 'type' => __( 'Text Separator: Title', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function twitter( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-twitter'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-twitter' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'username', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Username', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'hashtag', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Hashtag', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'dm_username', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Username', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'dm_prefill_text', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Prefill Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'share_username', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Share Username', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'share_prefill_text', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Share Prefill Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'share_hashtags', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Share Hashtag Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'prefill_text', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Prefill Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'prefill_custom', 'type' => __( 'Twitter: Prefill Custom Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function post_list( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-postlist'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-postlist' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'read_more_text', 'type' => __( 'Post List: Read More Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], ]; return $widgets; } private function animated_text( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-AnimatedText'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-AnimatedText' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'pre-text', 'type' => __( 'Animated Text: Pre Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], [ 'field' => 'post-text', 'type' => __( 'Animated Text: Post Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'AREA', ], ], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Animated_Text', ]; return $widgets; } private function gmap( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-gmap'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-gmap' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Gmap', ]; return $widgets; } private function filterable_gallery( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-filterableGallery'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-filterableGallery' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Filterable_Gallery', ]; return $widgets; } private function price_table( $widgets ) { $widgets['wts-pricetable'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'wts-pricetable' ], 'fields' => [ [ 'field' => 'heading', 'type' => __( 'Price Table: Plan Heading', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'sub-heading', 'type' => __( 'Price Table: Plan Sub Heading', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'price-box-text', 'type' => __( 'Price Table: Price Box Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'price-box-subtext', 'type' => __( 'Price Table: Price Box SubText', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], [ 'field' => 'action_text', 'type' => __( 'Price Table: Button Text', 'wts-eae' ), 'editor_type' => 'LINE', ], ], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Price_Table', ]; return $widgets; } private function timeline( $widgets ) { $widgets['eae-timeline'] = [ 'conditions' => [ 'widgetType' => 'eae-timeline' ], 'fields' => [], 'integration-class' => '\WTS_EAE\WPML_EAE_Timeline', ]; 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