Edit file File name : ReachFrequencyPredictionFields.php Content :<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to * use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary * form for use in connection with the web services and APIs provided by * Facebook. * * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use * of this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and * Policies [http://developers.facebook.com/policy/]. This copyright notice * shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ namespace PYS_PRO_GLOBAL\FacebookAds\Object\Fields; use PYS_PRO_GLOBAL\FacebookAds\Enum\AbstractEnum; /** * This class is auto-generated. * * For any issues or feature requests related to this class, please let us know * on github and we'll fix in our codegen framework. We'll not be able to accept * pull request for this class. * */ class ReachFrequencyPredictionFields extends AbstractEnum { const ACCOUNT_ID = 'account_id'; const ACTIVITY_STATUS = 'activity_status'; const AD_FORMATS = 'ad_formats'; const AUCTION_ENTRY_OPTION_INDEX = 'auction_entry_option_index'; const AUDIENCE_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND = 'audience_size_lower_bound'; const AUDIENCE_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND = 'audience_size_upper_bound'; const BUSINESS_ID = 'business_id'; const BUYING_TYPE = 'buying_type'; const CAMPAIGN_GROUP_ID = 'campaign_group_id'; const CAMPAIGN_ID = 'campaign_id'; const CAMPAIGN_TIME_START = 'campaign_time_start'; const CAMPAIGN_TIME_STOP = 'campaign_time_stop'; const CURRENCY = 'currency'; const CURVE_BUDGET_REACH = 'curve_budget_reach'; const CURVE_REACH = 'curve_reach'; const DAILY_GRP_CURVE = 'daily_grp_curve'; const DAILY_IMPRESSION_CURVE = 'daily_impression_curve'; const DAILY_IMPRESSION_CURVE_MAP = 'daily_impression_curve_map'; const DAY_PARTING_SCHEDULE = 'day_parting_schedule'; const DESTINATION_ID = 'destination_id'; const END_TIME = 'end_time'; const EXPIRATION_TIME = 'expiration_time'; const EXTERNAL_BUDGET = 'external_budget'; const EXTERNAL_IMPRESSION = 'external_impression'; const EXTERNAL_MAXIMUM_BUDGET = 'external_maximum_budget'; const EXTERNAL_MAXIMUM_IMPRESSION = 'external_maximum_impression'; const EXTERNAL_MAXIMUM_REACH = 'external_maximum_reach'; const EXTERNAL_MINIMUM_BUDGET = 'external_minimum_budget'; const EXTERNAL_MINIMUM_IMPRESSION = 'external_minimum_impression'; const EXTERNAL_MINIMUM_REACH = 'external_minimum_reach'; const EXTERNAL_REACH = 'external_reach'; const FEED_RATIO_0000 = 'feed_ratio_0000'; const FREQUENCY_CAP = 'frequency_cap'; const FREQUENCY_DISTRIBUTION_MAP = 'frequency_distribution_map'; const FREQUENCY_DISTRIBUTION_MAP_AGG = 'frequency_distribution_map_agg'; const GRP_AUDIENCE_SIZE = 'grp_audience_size'; const GRP_AVG_PROBABILITY_MAP = 'grp_avg_probability_map'; const GRP_COUNTRY_AUDIENCE_SIZE = 'grp_country_audience_size'; const GRP_CURVE = 'grp_curve'; const GRP_DMAS_AUDIENCE_SIZE = 'grp_dmas_audience_size'; const GRP_FILTERING_THRESHOLD_00 = 'grp_filtering_threshold_00'; const GRP_POINTS = 'grp_points'; const GRP_RATIO = 'grp_ratio'; const GRP_REACH_RATIO = 'grp_reach_ratio'; const GRP_STATUS = 'grp_status'; const HOLDOUT_PERCENTAGE = 'holdout_percentage'; const ID = 'id'; const IMPRESSION_CURVE = 'impression_curve'; const INSTAGRAM_DESTINATION_ID = 'instagram_destination_id'; const INSTREAM_PACKAGES = 'instream_packages'; const INTERVAL_FREQUENCY_CAP = 'interval_frequency_cap'; const INTERVAL_FREQUENCY_CAP_RESET_PERIOD = 'interval_frequency_cap_reset_period'; const IS_BONUS_MEDIA = 'is_bonus_media'; const IS_CONVERSION_GOAL = 'is_conversion_goal'; const IS_HIGHER_AVERAGE_FREQUENCY = 'is_higher_average_frequency'; const IS_IO = 'is_io'; const IS_RESERVED_BUYING = 'is_reserved_buying'; const IS_TRP = 'is_trp'; const NAME = 'name'; const OBJECTIVE = 'objective'; const OBJECTIVE_NAME = 'objective_name'; const ODAX_OBJECTIVE = 'odax_objective'; const ODAX_OBJECTIVE_NAME = 'odax_objective_name'; const OPTIMIZATION_GOAL = 'optimization_goal'; const OPTIMIZATION_GOAL_NAME = 'optimization_goal_name'; const PAUSE_PERIODS = 'pause_periods'; const PLACEMENT_BREAKDOWN = 'placement_breakdown'; const PLACEMENT_BREAKDOWN_MAP = 'placement_breakdown_map'; const PLAN_NAME = 'plan_name'; const PLAN_TYPE = 'plan_type'; const PREDICTION_MODE = 'prediction_mode'; const PREDICTION_PROGRESS = 'prediction_progress'; const REFERENCE_ID = 'reference_id'; const RESERVATION_STATUS = 'reservation_status'; const START_TIME = 'start_time'; const STATUS = 'status'; const STORY_EVENT_TYPE = 'story_event_type'; const TARGET_CPM = 'target_cpm'; const TARGET_SPEC = 'target_spec'; const TIME_CREATED = 'time_created'; const TIME_UPDATED = 'time_updated'; const TIMEZONE_ID = 'timezone_id'; const TIMEZONE_NAME = 'timezone_name'; const TOPLINE_ID = 'topline_id'; const VIDEO_VIEW_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT = 'video_view_length_constraint'; const VIEWTAG = 'viewtag'; const ACTION = 'action'; const BUDGET = 'budget'; const DEAL_ID = 'deal_id'; const DESTINATION_IDS = 'destination_ids'; const EXCEPTIONS = 'exceptions'; const EXISTING_CAMPAIGN_ID = 'existing_campaign_id'; const GRP_BUYING = 'grp_buying'; const IMPRESSION = 'impression'; const IS_FULL_VIEW = 'is_full_view'; const IS_REACH_AND_FREQUENCY_IO_BUYING = 'is_reach_and_frequency_io_buying'; const NUM_CURVE_POINTS = 'num_curve_points'; const REACH = 'reach'; const RF_PREDICTION_ID = 'rf_prediction_id'; const RF_PREDICTION_ID_TO_RELEASE = 'rf_prediction_id_to_release'; const RF_PREDICTION_ID_TO_SHARE = 'rf_prediction_id_to_share'; const STOP_TIME = 'stop_time'; public function getFieldTypes() { return array( 'account_id' => 'int', 'activity_status' => 'ReachFrequencyActivity', 'ad_formats' => 'list<ReachFrequencyAdFormat>', 'auction_entry_option_index' => 'int', 'audience_size_lower_bound' => 'unsigned int', 'audience_size_upper_bound' => 'unsigned int', 'business_id' => 'int', 'buying_type' => 'string', 'campaign_group_id' => 'int', 'campaign_id' => 'string', 'campaign_time_start' => 'datetime', 'campaign_time_stop' => 'datetime', 'currency' => 'string', 'curve_budget_reach' => 'ReachFrequencyEstimatesCurve', 'curve_reach' => 'list<unsigned int>', 'daily_grp_curve' => 'list<float>', 'daily_impression_curve' => 'list<float>', 'daily_impression_curve_map' => 'map<unsigned int, list<float>>', 'day_parting_schedule' => 'list<ReachFrequencyDayPart>', 'destination_id' => 'string', 'end_time' => 'datetime', 'expiration_time' => 'datetime', 'external_budget' => 'int', 'external_impression' => 'unsigned int', 'external_maximum_budget' => 'int', 'external_maximum_impression' => 'string', 'external_maximum_reach' => 'unsigned int', 'external_minimum_budget' => 'int', 'external_minimum_impression' => 'unsigned int', 'external_minimum_reach' => 'unsigned int', 'external_reach' => 'unsigned int', 'feed_ratio_0000' => 'unsigned int', 'frequency_cap' => 'unsigned int', 'frequency_distribution_map' => 'map<unsigned int, list<float>>', 'frequency_distribution_map_agg' => 'map<unsigned int, list<unsigned int>>', 'grp_audience_size' => 'float', 'grp_avg_probability_map' => 'string', 'grp_country_audience_size' => 'float', 'grp_curve' => 'list<float>', 'grp_dmas_audience_size' => 'float', 'grp_filtering_threshold_00' => 'unsigned int', 'grp_points' => 'float', 'grp_ratio' => 'float', 'grp_reach_ratio' => 'float', 'grp_status' => 'string', 'holdout_percentage' => 'unsigned int', 'id' => 'string', 'impression_curve' => 'list<unsigned int>', 'instagram_destination_id' => 'string', 'instream_packages' => 'list<string>', 'interval_frequency_cap' => 'unsigned int', 'interval_frequency_cap_reset_period' => 'unsigned int', 'is_bonus_media' => 'unsigned int', 'is_conversion_goal' => 'unsigned int', 'is_higher_average_frequency' => 'bool', 'is_io' => 'bool', 'is_reserved_buying' => 'unsigned int', 'is_trp' => 'bool', 'name' => 'string', 'objective' => 'unsigned int', 'objective_name' => 'string', 'odax_objective' => 'unsigned int', 'odax_objective_name' => 'string', 'optimization_goal' => 'unsigned int', 'optimization_goal_name' => 'string', 'pause_periods' => 'list<Object>', 'placement_breakdown' => 'ReachFrequencyEstimatesPlacementBreakdown', 'placement_breakdown_map' => 'map<unsigned int, ReachFrequencyEstimatesPlacementBreakdown>', 'plan_name' => 'string', 'plan_type' => 'string', 'prediction_mode' => 'unsigned int', 'prediction_progress' => 'unsigned int', 'reference_id' => 'string', 'reservation_status' => 'unsigned int', 'start_time' => 'datetime', 'status' => 'unsigned int', 'story_event_type' => 'unsigned int', 'target_cpm' => 'unsigned int', 'target_spec' => 'Targeting', 'time_created' => 'datetime', 'time_updated' => 'datetime', 'timezone_id' => 'unsigned int', 'timezone_name' => 'string', 'topline_id' => 'unsigned int', 'video_view_length_constraint' => 'unsigned int', 'viewtag' => 'string', 'action' => 'Action', 'budget' => 'unsigned int', 'deal_id' => 'string', 'destination_ids' => 'list<string>', 'exceptions' => 'bool', 'existing_campaign_id' => 'string', 'grp_buying' => 'bool', 'impression' => 'unsigned int', 'is_full_view' => 'bool', 'is_reach_and_frequency_io_buying' => 'bool', 'num_curve_points' => 'unsigned int', 'reach' => 'unsigned int', 'rf_prediction_id' => 'string', 'rf_prediction_id_to_release' => 'string', 'rf_prediction_id_to_share' => 'string', 'stop_time' => 'unsigned int', ); } } Save