Edit file File name : customizer-preview.js Content :/** * This file adds some LIVE to the Customizer live preview. To leverage * this, set your custom settings to 'postMessage' and then add your handling * here. Your javascript should grab settings from customizer controls, and * then make any necessary changes to the page using jQuery. * * @package Astra * @since x.x.x */ ( function( $ ) { astra_css( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-size]', 'font-size', '#ast-scroll-top', 'px' ); astra_css( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-color]', 'color', '#ast-scroll-top' ); astra_css( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-bg-color]', 'background-color', '#ast-scroll-top' ); astra_css( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-h-color]', 'color', '#ast-scroll-top:hover' ); astra_css( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-h-bg-color]', 'background-color', '#ast-scroll-top:hover' ); // Border Radius Fields for Button. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-radius-fields]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( border ) { let tablet_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.tablet_break_point || 768, mobile_break_point = astraBuilderPreview.mobile_break_point || 544; let dynamicStyle = ''; dynamicStyle += ' #ast-scroll-top { border-top-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['top'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['bottom'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['desktop']['left'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['desktop']['right'] + border['desktop-unit'] + '; } '; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + tablet_break_point + 'px) { #ast-scroll-top { border-top-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['top'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['bottom'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['tablet']['left'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['tablet']['right'] + border['tablet-unit'] + '; } }'; dynamicStyle += '@media (max-width: ' + mobile_break_point + 'px) { #ast-scroll-top { border-top-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['top'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['bottom'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-bottom-left-radius :' + border['mobile']['left'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; border-top-right-radius :' + border['mobile']['right'] + border['mobile-unit'] + '; } }'; astra_add_dynamic_css( 'scroll-to-top-icon-radius-fields', dynamicStyle ); } ); } ); // Scroll to top position. wp.customize( 'astra-settings[scroll-to-top-icon-position]', function( value ) { value.bind( function( position ) { jQuery("#ast-scroll-top").removeClass("ast-scroll-to-top-right ast-scroll-to-top-left"); jQuery("#ast-scroll-top").addClass("ast-scroll-to-top-"+position); } ); } ); } )( jQuery ); Save