Edit file File name : OptimizerCacheStructure.php Content :<?php namespace TenWebOptimizer; use DOMDocument; /** * Class OptimizerCacheStructure */ class OptimizerCacheStructure { const TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX = 'two_cache_structure_'; const TWO_SOURCE_NAMES = [ 'src', 'href', 'data-twodelayedjs', 'data-twodelayedcss' ]; /** * @var OptimizerCacheStructure */ public static $instance; /** * @var array */ private $structure; /** * @var mixed */ private $pageUrlHash; /** * @var array */ private $tagsToReplace; /** * @var array */ private $tagsToAdd; /** * @var array */ private $webFontList; /** * @var bool */ private $isFromCache = false; private $originalContent; private $two_files_cache; /** * @var string */ private $cacheHeaderString = 'BYPASS'; /** * @var object */ private $doc = null; /** * OptimizerCacheStructure constructor. */ private function __construct() { //todo check multisite support libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $this->doc = new DOMDocument(); $this->pageUrlHash = md5(sanitize_text_field($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); // phpcs:ignore $this->structure = get_option( self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . $this->pageUrlHash, [ 'tagsToReplace' => [], 'tagsToAdd' => [], 'webFontList' => [], ] ); $this->tagsToReplace = !empty($this->structure['tagsToReplace']) ? $this->structure['tagsToReplace'] : []; $this->tagsToAdd = !empty($this->structure['tagsToAdd']) ? $this->structure['tagsToAdd'] : []; $this->webFontList = !empty($this->structure['webFontList']) ? $this->structure['webFontList'] : []; global $TwoSettings; $this->two_files_cache = $TwoSettings->get_settings('two_files_cache'); global $disableTwoCacheStructureCache; if ($disableTwoCacheStructureCache === true) { $this->disableCache(); } } /** * Checks if there is cache structure data in cache * * @return bool */ public function check($content) { if ($this->getCacheStatus()) { if (is_array($this->tagsToReplace) && is_array($this->tagsToAdd)) { foreach ($this->tagsToReplace as $replace_tag) { $replace = $replace_tag['replace']; if (!empty($replace) && $replace != strip_tags($replace)) { // phpcs:ignore if (false === strpos($content, $replace) || !$this->getTagSource($replace)) { return false; } } } foreach ($this->tagsToAdd as $add_tag) { $replace = $add_tag['tag']; if (!empty($replace) && $replace != strip_tags($replace)) { // phpcs:ignore if (!$this->getTagSource($replace)) { return false; } } } } return !empty($this->tagsToReplace) && !empty($this->tagsToAdd); } return false; } /** * Makes edits on main content data retrieved from cached * * @return mixed|string|string[] */ public function retrieve($content) { $this->originalContent = $content; if ($this->check($content)) { foreach ($this->tagsToReplace as $tagToReplace) { if ($tagToReplace['search'] !== '') { $pos = strpos($content, $tagToReplace['search']); if ($pos !== false) { $content = substr_replace($content, $tagToReplace['replace'], $pos, strlen($tagToReplace['search'])); } } } foreach ($this->tagsToAdd as $tagToAdd) { $content = OptimizerUtils::inject_in_html($content, $tagToAdd['tag'], $tagToAdd['where']); } $this->isFromCache = true; $this->cacheHeaderString = 'HIT'; return $content; } return $this->originalContent; } /** * Updates cache structure in DB * * @return bool */ public function set() { global $disableTwoCacheStructureCache; if (!empty($this->structure['tagsToAdd']) && !empty($this->structure['tagsToReplace']) && $this->getCacheStatus() && $disableTwoCacheStructureCache !== true) { $this->cacheHeaderString = 'MISS'; $request_uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? sanitize_text_field($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : ''; $timestamp_size = mb_strlen(gmdate('Y-m-d_H:i:s') . ' ' . $request_uri, '8bit'); $structure_size = mb_strlen(serialize((array) $this->structure), '8bit'); // phpcs:ignore $total_size = (int) $timestamp_size + (int) $structure_size; if (get_option(self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . 'size')) { $total_size = $total_size + (int) get_option(self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . 'size'); } update_option(self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . 'size', $total_size, 'no'); update_option(self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . 'TIMESTAMP_' . $this->pageUrlHash, gmdate('Y-m-d_H:i:s') . ' ' . $request_uri, 'no'); // phpcs:ignore return update_option(self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . $this->pageUrlHash, $this->structure, 'no'); } return false; } /** * init Singleton * * @return OptimizerCacheStructure */ public static function init() { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Whether the content data was populated from cache * * @return bool */ public function isFromCache() { if ($this->getCacheStatus()) { return $this->isFromCache; } return false; } /** * Returns webFontList * * @return array|mixed */ public function getWebFontList() { return $this->webFontList; } /** * Adds array of tags that are needed to replace */ public function addToTagsToReplace($search, $replace) { $this->structure['tagsToReplace'][] = [ 'search' => $search, 'replace' => $replace ]; } /** * Adds array of what tags and where */ public function addToTagsToAdd($tag, $where) { $this->structure['tagsToAdd'][] = [ 'tag' => $tag, 'where' => $where ]; } /** * Adds font list array to cache structure */ public function addToWebFontList($fonts) { $this->structure['webFontList'] = $fonts; } /** * Returns Cache Status * * @return bool */ public function getCacheStatus() { return $this->two_files_cache === 'on'; } /** * Returns Cache Status */ public function disableCache() { $this->two_files_cache = ''; } /** * FLushes cache structure in DB */ public static function flushAllCache() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '" . self::TWO_CACHE_STRUCTURE_OPTION_PREFIX . "%'"); // phpcs:ignore } public function addCacheHeaders() { header('X-TWO-Cache: ' . $this->cacheHeaderString); } /** * Sets cache status * * @param string $status */ public function setCacheHeaderString($status) { $this->cacheHeaderString = $status; } /** * Check cache file * * @param string $data * * @return bool */ private function getTagSource($data) { $this->doc->loadHTML($data); $libxml_errors = libxml_get_errors(); if (empty($libxml_errors)) { $tags = $this->doc->getElementsByTagName('*'); foreach (self::TWO_SOURCE_NAMES as $name) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $source = $tag->getAttribute($name); if (!empty($source)) { $url_data = wp_parse_url($source); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && isset($url_data['host']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $url_data['host']) { $file_path = WP_ROOT_DIR . $url_data['path']; if (!file_exists($file_path)) { return false; } } } } } } libxml_clear_errors(); return true; } } Save